2024 Death List

And he designed Chrono Trigger. One of the best SNES games out there.


I remember reading a news story about him. The guy accomplished a lot considering his circumstances.

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I absolutely loved him in Blood Simple. He was so scuzzy and menacing. Great actor, and a great loss.


I loved him in Red Scorpion. 88 is a long life. RIP :pray:

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There are so many people who accomplished amazing things against huge odds and horrid life circumstances (this being one) I do not remember paul, though?

Bob Beerbohm’s death is probably going to be overlooked, but the guy had TONS of stories about buying comics and art in the '60s and '70s. And all kinds of opinions to boot.

He knew he was dying and tried to write up as much of a history of early comics retail/distribution/cons as he could. Here is one of his Facebook profiles he was posting on. There’s a lot of interesting stuff there for anyone willing to do a deep dive: Robert Beerbohm

Here’s a story that Beerbohm posted frequently in recent years, of how a teenaged Beerbohm + friend bought a ton of art that shouldn’t have been sold. He names major names, some of whom are no longer living to defend or refute, but if true… pretty crazy.

There was a shorter young guy with thick rimmed glasses in the fairly large hotel room St Louis Worldcon 1969. We did not give cash directly to him. He never talked with Steve and myself.

Like asking if we would buy a ten-page Jack Abel DC war story for $5 for the complete late 1950s story. As in 50 cents a page.

Steve and I thought about it, but then thought that is one more page of Ditko or Adams.

That was Len and Marv doing the sales pitch talking when Steve Johnson and I handed over at least $1200 in cash for over 240 comic book covers and interior pages paying no more than $5 a page. Covers were $10.

There was also a 4th guy with them also in the room.

That I think may have been Denny O’Neill. Also from St Louis long time but provides direct Charlton Ditko art connection. He was writer there then in 1968/69.

There were well over 5000+ pages of original comic book art and covers stacked up in two to three - a couple four - foot stacks all over. This was an orchestrated ‘liberation’

These guys are also “the source” for all that Marvel and DC art guys like Ed Summers as Supersnipe (George Lucas partners), Ron Barlow and Bruce Hershenson as Graphic Masters, also were buying their “inventory” from.

MOST of it all with all these guys plus myself comes from one main “source”

ALL of Neal Adams X-Men pages were stolen at same time in 1969.

Steve and I got only X-Men 57 58 59 plus cover to #63. All the rest were already gone sold to some ones else.

Q: WHY do you think Roy Thomas was such an adamant person in 1971 that “the writer” gets ONE THIRD of all the pages? Paul Levitz has pointedly mentioned DC always returned all the pages to the artists. The writers got their scripts back.

A: He got a good taste of that 1969 St Louis money. 5000+ x $5 = $25,000+ which in today’s buying power equals over $250,000.

Think about that concept a bit.

This is true history as it unfolded. This newest post is already in a dozen groups. The true “origin” story of where when etc of the 1969 Great Art Heist. Goodman’s editor-in-chief had to have been in on it also. Light has been shone on decades of obfuscation.

“… Ditko explained it perfectly when he wrote the support for Lee is “emotional.” Lee’s biggest fans literally see Lee as a family member. Which makes no sense at all as Lee was emotionally distant. His fans view those brief fleeting contacts when Lee was in his “Stan Persona” as reality. They ignore what Gerry Conway said about Lee. …”

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Lou Gossett Jr passed away.

He was one heck of an actor. His portrayal of the drill instructor in “Officer & a Gentleman” was just incredible.

Great film btw if you haven’t seen it.


He was great in that movie!!

However…his best role ever…


I completely forgot about that movie. Haven’t seen it in 35+ years. Now I have to watch it again.

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I remember renting it from the local mom and pop video store when I was around 14 or so. Wasn’t sure I was going to like it but I did. Need to re-watch it as well and see if time has been kind.

That and the last Star fighter were underrated sci fi flix.

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I found the first issue of the last Starfighter for a $1 a few years back.

Some day that movie is going to be remade or have a sequel.

Greetings Starfighter!

You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan armada!

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That was my dream. I was so good at Galaga that I knew I would be called up as a kid. Still kick ass at Galaga.

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Another absolute awesome 80’s movie!!!

My buddy played semi-pro hockey back in the day. He was the teams enforcer…

They called him the “Death Blossom”…

Damn…way too young…

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Yea ! He was great in the Netflix Sabrina show