2024 Death List

Damn. Motorcycle accident.

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Oh daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn…

R.I.P. Ed Piskor


Oh goodness. This is gonna be a fiasco of finger-pointing and blaming people. I was shocked at his behavior but don’t think ANYONE wanted him dead for his inappropriate actions. Mark my words, this is gonna be a shit-show.


Wait, what happened? There was just scandal last week and this week he is dead? Suicide?

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He had apparently posted what read like a suicide note some hours ago on social media Twitter/X was wondering what was going on.

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He posted a long story on facebook and it also seemed like a suicide note

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Comicsgate is already blaming SJWs, and liberal folks are already saying how Comicsgate was the first entity to supposedly, “Expose,” Piskor’s previous actions and the comics-realm of Twitter is going to catch fire.

This whole situation is tragic in many ways and the internet is arguing who is to, “Blame.” Social media is a monster…


You know, I have never actually read this thread until now. Don’t really want to read about all my childhood heroes/celebrities dying. Just got news of Ed Piskor so I decided to see what everyone is saying, so sad.

Can you name the specific people or sites as opposed to saying “comics gate” which just seems so nebulous.

Mark Bright - artist

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I don’t know who or what comicsgate really is, I mean other than a cursory knowledge. I don’t want discussions of his death to take a political tone on this platform, so when things like “comicsgate” and “liberal” are thrown out there, I just do not want politics on the forum.

Apologies for a generic term. I don’t know too many people specifically associated with the movement but there is of course EVS. And other people I am somewhat familiar with on Twitter/X who often discuss Comicsgate and their affiliation with it are are stating an opinion about this death. I can try to be more specific in the future and not just engage in generalizations. My point though is that this is tragic all around and everyone’s going to be assigning blame.

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I do not want to see blame attached to anyone, in the end, it was Ed’s decision to pull the trigger, or however he went out.


100% agree.

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I read his note. There’s just a whole lot going on. That man was troubled for sure… even if he never laid a hand on one of these women. So much deflection but his only remorse was to his family in getting them involved with his allegations.

I fully support those who want to end their lives in most situations but when it’s this situation, nope. He basically did what he did cause he knew his comic career was over more than likely.

The only thing one can learn from this is, don’t be a creep online. Texts don’t carry emotions, or sarcasm, etc. So be very careful what you write to others and who you’re writing to.

RIP M.D. Bright.

Piskor… I’m sorry for his family and friends. It’s obviously a sensitive topic, but I don’t think his note helped him leave with a clean reputation.


I feel the same. Sounds like Piskor could have benefited from some good therapy.



Not sure how many on here watched SCTV back in the early 80’s but Joe Flaherty was one of the founders and was a pretty funny guy. He did more than SCTV but that’s what I remember him most for. He made it to 82…Not too bad. Thanks for the laughs!

Joe Flaherty Dead: ‘SCTV’ and ‘Freaks and Geeks’ Actor Was 82 (variety.com)