2nd 3rd and 4th printings!

I can certainly make getting to level 2 harder or we can have more exclusive groups for trust level 3 (which is the highest for regular members). Currently there’s only 52 members at trust level 2 and only 10 at trust level 3.

It’s funny, probably 50-60% of the books I tell people to buy I might not even pick up myself. I usually state if it’s a book I’m actually “buying”…

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And that’s why I’m driving up when the apocalypse happens :grin::grin::grin:

Yes, bring can openers. I got the guns and the bullets… :wink:

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You would be a Red Lantern heavy comic shop.

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We appreciate all you do here Poyo. Great community here best in the internet in terms of comics community in my opinion.

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@Anthony you have a Facebook and we aren’t friends? You should totally friend me. Then you’ll get to be blasted by my links to my blog on my Facebook feed and here between photos of my adorable son. I’d offer to be @agentpoyo’s friend on Facebook but as far as we know he is merely a sentient computer or not even on Facebook.

Anyways, I can concur that when you have a site, any site, you get haters. My blog has gotten hate mail for various posts. One guy threatened to sue me and called me terrible names when I wrote about companies that claimed to boost Kickstarter campaigns for money but were horrible scams. I Googled him and he apparently always did that so I wasn’t worried. He went out of business shortly after and I never heard from him again.

Also, how do we figure out our trust level? I can, “See,” the lounge so I assume mine is decent?

That would be cool to see the trust level number next to your profile.

I use to have facebook, but it’s just a cesspool to me… and they’re just banking on selling your info to others. What’s hilarious is I kept getting bugged by Facebook recruiters about a year back… I finally just told them, I don’t even use or like Facebook, why would I want to work for you all? They stopped bugging me after that.

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You’re currently trust level 2.

It’s designed to not display, probably due to security reasons as then bots or what not could target those with higher privileges that might have access to other categories setup that only higher trust levels can access…

You know everyone’s going to ask for their trust level now right? Starting with me.

Alright, we’ll make it easy. If you can see the Lounge category, you’re at trust level 2. If you can’t see it, you’re at likely level 1. 0 is for the newly registered and if you signed up and pretty much do nothing after that, you’ll stay at 0. Getting to trust level 1 is fairly quick.

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Here you go @ToddW, the system has some built in requirements but it also factors in a lot of other things. But here’s your own remaining requirements to make it to the very elite Level 3 Trust level (yes, you are Trust Level 2):

You just have to knock out the Topics Viewed and the Posts Read… :slight_smile:


I am new member here and had just got back into collecting comics again. I am also a collector of action figures and toy soldiers. I have my own blog page that mainly deals with miniatures and I just started my own line if medieval miniatures.

The one thing I noticed in all the groups I am in is they usually is some type if drama. Which I try to avoid. If anyone wanted to come to my house it would be a mistake.

I like this group. I hope it stays the same.


This is a reason I’ve stuck around since 2013 on CHU. I like the people. Not a lot of drama or bad apples here. We get the occasional but it’s seldom.


We plan on keeping it drama free. Mostly everyone here is laid back but do get people trying to use fake emails or derogatory names and we just don’t let them in.

Welcome. Glad you are here.


Well, we had a bad apple who kept trying to create fake emails to rejoin. So we switched to new signups to be moderated as prior it would allow anyone to register without manual approval. We don’t get thousands signing up so manual approval isn’t a huge burden. If it starts to become overwhelming, we’ll switch it back but we’ll have to have that watchful eye on the spammers and bots that like to signup on forums, etc.

As long as the Internet exists and websites exist you’re always going to get bots and spammers and people trying to sign up who have been banned.


Yup… that’s why a little human interaction to vet the person signing up weens out the potential bots. Normally you can tell if it’s just a made up or fake email address. It’s quite entertaining to see some of them as well.