2nd 3rd and 4th printings!

For real it makes me so f-ing sad it’s ending with issue 5.

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Did you read issue 5 yet? It totally leads into a next chapter with different characters.

That is just the first arc end. Its still going.

KIB Black Cat #2 is up for preorder. No art posted. Want to guess which interior panel it will be?

Yeah, I was pretty sure it was an ongoing title.

I haven’t read 5 yet, but this definitely was set up as a 5-issue story. I mean, issue 5 is out, and there is no sign of an issue 6 in the next 3 months. I’d guess with the popularity of it, they’ll either eventually start an issue 6 or maybe start over with a volume 2. They’ll probably go with a volume 2, as they can then reap the rewards of a #1 issue again. Doubt it’ll have 25 covers this time. At least I hope not!

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Sana Starros and a one-toothed Aphra.


Whyyyyyy did you say that, now I can’t unsee that!!! Looks like she has a tiny mouth with 1 tooth.


I skipped all the others, but I’ll be getting these. FOC 2/1

First appearance of Hillbilly Aphra?


They both look like they have one tooth.

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Yeah. Likening that Black Cat but may skip the derpie Aphra.

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The illegitimate children of Snaggle Tooth.


I tried to order the 2nd printing on TFAW and it says sold out… I thought it was still pre-FOC???

You guys SHOULD be buying all of the 2nd,3rd,4th, etc prints of the Future State books, fyi…


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1st appearances…

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And great covers.

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