Walmart Packs - 4Q21

Still looking for a Moon Knight…Searched both my Wal-Marts…No luck…but I did find 1 torn flip flop, gatorade bottle filled with chew spit, and a half eaten corndog…

If you’ve given up looking I can spare a pack.

My locks Walmart just got them though…so could be a delay for some stores.

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I got you, I’m just holding on to one so I have one extra. Shoot me a message and we can work it out.

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Forgot to post what came out of my Moon Knight pack.


ASM31 Codex is a 1:25, I believe. Bit doesn’t command much…maybe it’ll cover the cost of the pack.

I have another MK3 pack with this 1:25 as well (can see from the color of the spines).


My Walmart finally got their stash.


I really wish Target would start doing comics. I refuse to shop at Walmart.

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One does not simply “Shop” at Wal-Mart…they survive it…

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Having one of those “ah screw it” days at work so went for a drive with the Jeep roof off. Ended up being a productive day after all.


You gonna open that Moon Knight? Or just flip as is?


Couldn’t tell what was in this pack so I opened it.

The Alien (Finch variant)was upside down…it had a Spider-woman add on the back and I think whoever packed this thought it was the cover (alien was face down). The Maestro Rob Lim variant is kinda cool as I didn’t pick any up. But overall nothing exciting.

The other Moon Knight packs I could tell have incoming #1 and X-Force 10 2nd print, so I’m not opening them.

These packs are a bust. I know a Walmart that still had packs of the last round and I’m tempted to just buy them…it’s the Comic Pack Nazi so she won’t let me handle them unless I buy them, so it’s more a gamble…

Am I feeling luck….punk?

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Got just the one for me. I have a bunch of other packs I am going to sell on Whatnot tomorrow. But was only able to find the one Moon Knight one.

Open it.

You know you want to.

I’m looking forward to the next 7 for $10 packs. Those will, in theory, have the overstock from the wave of 3 packs that included all of those ratio variants from this summer.

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Buy them and if you don’t like them return them. You don’t have to open them to inspect em so they can be returned.

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Is there any heat on these packs ? Dont see much movement on Ebay, except for maybe some on the Moon Knight. Debating whether to pick up or not.

Seems like there will be less copies the MK #3 2nd print. Personally, I’d rather buy that.

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I have now started to find these in Canadian Walmart’s. I picked up 2 packs that contained copies of Moon Knight #3.

Were these not on the top (i.e the cover was the one showing), like here in the US ?

Picked up a 7 for $10 pack I found today. Nauck Eternals was the cover book. Black Panther lenticular as the book between the 3-packs. The Anka ASM actually sells decently.


Found another 3 pack that looked like it had something others didn’t.

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6 posts were split to a new topic: 1Q22 Walmart 3-Packs (Marvel)