Walmart Packs - 4Q21

It’s STILL first appearance of Boushh, though… it’s something.

The Boushh seemed the best one of the three. X of Swords was a 2 per store and the Hotz Conan variant is a 1:25. The Aliens and Eternals Thanos packs were only decent for the cover exclusive books.


I can tell one is identical to the “incoming” pack above. The other two are identical to each other so likely nothing exciting.

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That has been the one big plus with moving them behind the counter, keeping them from getting abused by kids or adults pulling on them to see what’s in the stack….not really caring about or understanding of the damage their inflicting.

But this also means more 9.8s now if you’re thinking of sending Walmart variants them to be graded.

Store had 2 of everything. But only one of this Toxin.

Looking like the best pull. Moon knight had the same as what was posted. Conan and a fantastic four thing cover

Anyone still looking for moon knights or another cover?

I was looking for the Moon Knight one. All my Walmarts are barren.

Did you and @locksmithcomics work it out?

I got several now. Probably can part with two.

Still looking for a Moon Knight…Searched both my Wal-Marts…No luck…but I did find 1 torn flip flop, gatorade bottle filled with chew spit, and a half eaten corndog…

If you’ve given up looking I can spare a pack.

My locks Walmart just got them though…so could be a delay for some stores.

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I got you, I’m just holding on to one so I have one extra. Shoot me a message and we can work it out.

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Forgot to post what came out of my Moon Knight pack.


ASM31 Codex is a 1:25, I believe. Bit doesn’t command much…maybe it’ll cover the cost of the pack.

I have another MK3 pack with this 1:25 as well (can see from the color of the spines).


My Walmart finally got their stash.


I really wish Target would start doing comics. I refuse to shop at Walmart.

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One does not simply “Shop” at Wal-Mart…they survive it…

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Having one of those “ah screw it” days at work so went for a drive with the Jeep roof off. Ended up being a productive day after all.


You gonna open that Moon Knight? Or just flip as is?


Couldn’t tell what was in this pack so I opened it.

The Alien (Finch variant)was upside down…it had a Spider-woman add on the back and I think whoever packed this thought it was the cover (alien was face down). The Maestro Rob Lim variant is kinda cool as I didn’t pick any up. But overall nothing exciting.

The other Moon Knight packs I could tell have incoming #1 and X-Force 10 2nd print, so I’m not opening them.

These packs are a bust. I know a Walmart that still had packs of the last round and I’m tempted to just buy them…it’s the Comic Pack Nazi so she won’t let me handle them unless I buy them, so it’s more a gamble…

Am I feeling luck….punk?

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Got just the one for me. I have a bunch of other packs I am going to sell on Whatnot tomorrow. But was only able to find the one Moon Knight one.

Open it.

You know you want to.

I’m looking forward to the next 7 for $10 packs. Those will, in theory, have the overstock from the wave of 3 packs that included all of those ratio variants from this summer.

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