A thread for organizational lunatics

Yep. Not cheap. About $190 per, but the quality is noticeably better than what I had before. Plus, Anthony, you’d need like 84 of these shelves. I’m under 5k total books.

Yeah. Thats my problem. 50 boxes per shelving unit. I would need like 7 shelves or more.

They look great but I just placed a thick flattened cardboard box cut slightly larger than the shelf down under the boxes. Solved the problem for free that way. I use the full 24 inch versions for holding long boxes which drag even more than short boxes.


If you remove the cuffs, I could build you some custom shelving for all your boxes… You can trust I won’t run… :wink: :wink:


I use left over hardwood planks from flooring projects past for my shelving. Can slide them off nice and easy!

Check Offer up for cheap Gorilla Racks.

I’ve always been curious about where my books go. So, starting Jan 1, I’ve been keeping track. I don’t sell nearly as much as many of you, but Q1 has been busy.

Strangely, no repeat cities yet. And yes, I realize my organizational tendencies with this hobby borderline on manic. :slight_smile:


A lot of international people are using reshippers so some of those may actually end up in other countries. Florida West Coast usually get the most since I’m assuming they get the most hurricanes, fires and earthquakes destroying collections. New York/New Jersey area is also fairly active.

eBay used to have a little widget that kept track of where your sales went. It was neat but long gone.

Some of my newest custom divider labels:


These do not meet my expectations.

They exceed them!

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