I imagine she’ll be a new character even tho she was great in, “Legion.”
im guessing j kale or satana hellstrom
Definitely Mephisto😜
hard to tell really, if she is villain to agatha, she could be goodguy overall.
There’s the coven…
Casting all these ladies probably means the Salem 7
Her first appearance is in Black Knight #1 from 1955. A scarce and expensive book already.
Spider-Woman 5 is the book that will see some movement with this news.
doesnt that black knight book have a facsimile version?
I don’t see big things spec wise for this character. The usual spike will happen when more people find out. Looking at the prices you can find a nice one for $15 to $20. This is more of a pc collection type of purchase over anything else…for me anyway. As always if you come across a few int he wild cheap, get em and sell em!
Here’s what always bugs me about this hobby. This character is getting prioritized by Marvel with a big role and bigger name actor. And, the key (attainable) book is 40+ years old and not easy to find in great condition. Yet that book still has half the value of Tosin’s first appearance in Black Panther 3 from January. Tosin, in my opinion, will NEVER be a major character. I’d much rather have a 9.8 Spider-woman 5 than a BP3.
The ones that “get it” and have a head on their shoulders fully understand what you wrote and fully agree with what you wrote. But then there are the “masses” that are completely clueless, go with the flow, only understand hot covers or hot new characters in hot new books.
In the end you know what you’re doing.
Let the clueless ones go after Tosin and that Black Panther issue that you probably have to purposely damage in order to NOT get a 9.8
I don’t feel like any of her books really make a ton of sense to go after unless you want to invest in the Black Knight expensive book. Buy what you like of course, but I’m not really sure how anything can legitimately be pushed other than that Black Knight Book when it comes to talking about her “First”.
Sometimes, the book is expensive and pretty unobtainable so folks want to try to make something else more than what it is. It’s really just Morgan’s spirit that is running things in the Spider-woman series…so if folks want to buy her “1st spirit appearance” I guess that can be the hill to die on.
Morgan Le Fay is a mythological character from history of King Arthur not Marvel comics. The Morgan Le Fay in Black Knight from Atlas publishing is not in Marvel comics it’s in Atlas there’s also a DC version that came out 6 years prior.
Yes and we’re talking about marvel comics Morgan, not the others.