As mentioned above, yes, she was in a Timely Comic in 1955. A Timely Comic that was written by Stan Lee and the same Timely comics company that morphed into Marvel Comics. Good enough for me. Does the character change and adapt with the time just as others such as Captain America, etc, etc…sure. The essence of the character, her evil ways, ties to British/Celtic mythology remain pretty intact. It’s not like it is some different character with the same name. It’s like folks trying to say the Elsa in Nextwave is a whole different character than Elsa in Bloodstone #1.
We could avoid buying comics and stick to her literary first but manuscripts from year 1150 are a bit pricey.
One of the most notable reasons why the Timely Comics and Marvel Comics characters are linked and somewhat distinct from the characters in mythology is that Modred is married to Morgan. They switched Modred back to Mordred later as they had by then created Modred the Mystic. This pretty distinct difference from literature/legend is carried over from the Timely comics to the later Marvel comics as specifically stated (them being married) in both the 1955 comic and later in the Marvel Black Knight Mystic Arcana issue as well. No reason to keep that non literary/legend based deviation intact if they are not one in the same. Another connecting point is the fact she is specifically stated as continuing to exist/reside in Avalon (in modern Marvel comics).
Pretty striking similarities between two comic panels over 50 years apart.
Anyway, I think any and all comics related to the topic/these characters are awesome…so just buy them all!!!
I don’t think those who disagree with swapping a character’s race is a racist. That is a very slippery slope. Of course, there might be some but for the most part I think a lot of collectors just see it as politics or social justice being brought into it. I think most people are a little tired of that when they just want to be entertained.
I think there are purists and people who don’t care. The purists want to see on screen what they see in the comics. I do not think that makes them racist.
I understand some folks want film/television to match the comics perfectly. I don’t begrudge them for that or think them racist. I myself feel if a character’s race or such isn’t integral to the character I don’t care who plays them. Black Panther is a black man from Africa, obviously. Having a white guy play him would be odd. A random witch though? I’m fine with whoever. At the end of the day these are fictional stories we made to entertain ourselves and fiction has a way of morphing and changing through the years.
While there isn’t really enough with her in it to make for being a “massive fan”, I have always enjoyed the character.
In my opinion, she’s actually been portrayed pretty stereotypically to begin with. Poor white trash swamp girl dancing at the $#$$& bar to make ends meet down south. (See Dead of Night for the full story & not for the kiddos art)
Takes care of her own though…pretty powerful and has close ties to Man Thing…get that foundation accurate and I’ll be fine with whoever plays her.
I agree. I just want good acting, I don’t care what race they are. Can they play the character? That’s all that really matters. These are already fictional made up characters anyways, just change them in the comic if you want. Shit, they did it with Nick Fury.
Just realized a big one. Elsa Bloodstone not being a redhead. But that’s because I personally have a thing for redheads. I’m gonna revolt if James Gunn casts a non-redhead as Poison Ivy one day