FOC is on the 15th so you’ve got one week for the regular trade variants
Pat Gleason is offering virgin variants on his store tomorrow 12pm central time I’m not sure if any of us UK buyers will be able to get some of this unfortunately if someone has experience with that let me know
If one of the OGs can drop any affiliate links below please - make sure to press on the links to help the site and the creators or if you don’t want to use them that’s ok too
I think that was in the Lounge section right? I wanted to share with people who didn’t have the ‘member’ trust level yet i just wanted to share the love if you’re cool with that?
I bought one raw copy and one slabbed. Also got one slabbed second print. Glad the price of this 3rd print went back to something a little more reasonable.
Those venom prices were a bit much.
The signed raw copies of the 3rd print were the first to go in under 2 minutes. Slabbed 9.8 w/o signature were the last.