Aphra Vol.1 potential spec plays

The issue with most of the Star Wars comics is that most of the characters have already made their way onto the screens before their comic debut. We all know when the carriage comes before the horse the spec is already dead.

Doctor Aphra is a bit different along with a few other characters they might be debuting on Disney+ as shows. I think they have a little more going for them cause they’re preceding their on screen debuts, which makes them a little more special I think for some collectors.

The first volume of Star Wars books that Marvel put out was just along the companion comics with same stories found in the movies for the most part.

Do I think these are going be huge profit investments? No but I can say it’s nice to know I spent $3.99 for a book that’s now commanding $30+ and then the 1:25 variants I got both for dirt cheap, I think one at cover price for $100+ currently. That’s why I’m ready… if the news hits that they are doing an Aphra Disney+ show, selling just one book paid for about all the books that I have… :slight_smile:

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What’s special about issue 48?

Just finished watching the Mandalorian. Gonna go back and read my copy of issue 68!

Issue #48 was written by Larry Hama and tends to be grabbed by many of his fans. Not saying it is a huge dollar book…but I find it always sells pretty readily if it is out.

Also…since you are onto the Mandalorian stuff. Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic issue #7 and #8 have still seemed to go under the radar. Issue #9 took off because of a “reported” Sith First appearance…but I find #7 and #8 still sitting because people all went crazy for #9.

The cover for #7 is really cool as well.

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“We need a Baby Yoda comic with 50 variants!”

–Someone at Disney.

Just give it time.

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Cool. Thanks for the tip. Will keep an eye out when shops open again.

Funny reading this thread again. So much has changed since then in the world of Star Wars comics.

Oh past Alana…coming back to haunt present Alana.

She was not counting on the popularity of the Mandalorian to spring board SW spec…

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So, what should we do about this bad spec? Maybe we should fire her?

Actually, @jcLu nailed it. All these books, aside from Aphra 15 & 27, are trending up and no show has been officially announced.

Likely just a matter of time for 15 & 27.

Aside from issue #3, are there any other Darth Vader books worth chasing? I see her in several covers…that’s what I’m looking into at the moment,

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Nah, just cut her pay in half. She’ll just stand by her position that it’s still just a fad and people have nothing better to spec on at the moment…and to some that would be true…

Is SW so hot because of its potential? Or just that there aren’t any great movies/series to spec on right now?

I thinks it’s all the above, plus a little stimulus money.


Look at this guy!! He and @jcLu should start a spin-off rival spec site, maybe?

Maybe not…

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Do it… and good luck! :wink:

Im content where I am. :grin:

And so ends the new startup spec site…CHU 2.

Or maybe it would be called The Next CHU.

You don’t have a copywrite on CHU, do you?

Copyright yes… Trademark… No… But it would be real easy for @Anthony to apply and then go after you.

One set of characters that I did not mention from this volume were Aphras parents. If memory serves me, and it usually doesn’t, they only appeared in a few issues, in a flashback, and they both were killed, I think. If they didn’t die, they could be spec plays too, if they aren’t already. :stars:

I picked up a few Doctor Aphra 32’s awhile back from the back issue bin…$2 a piece. Thats the first app of her mom.

Also, just picked up some 15’s and 27’s on ebay…not pricey at all, almost cover on 27, and under cover on 15 (bought 2 lots). Also have a few 9.8’s of the first appearance, and some raw…but nothing like @agentpoyo up there with those beautiful 1:25’s!

I feel it in my bones that Aphra will be hot in the future, hot hot hot! Until then…the comics stay in the boxes :slight_smile:

the incentive variant for 1st app of aphras girlfriend is a pretty expensive book now

Korin Aphra? Vol 1, issue 1?

Not sure about mom.

I still stand by my advice, sure if your pulling Star Wars keys out of dollar bins more power to you but if your paying $100 + for each Star Wars hot book of the moment from cbsi youre giving your money away.