Aquaman 2

Just let the old DCU die off already…Re-cast Mamoa as Lobo and eventually bring a new Aquaman into the mix. I want to see a cohesive universe with Mister Miracle, New Gods, Forever People a truly menacing Darkseid…Along with the core trinity of course.


I just heard, or should say read, that the Aquaman 2 movie is lost on a server somewhere at Warner Bros and they can’t find it.


That has to be a joke, right? How do you lose a whole movie and put millions at risk?

Then again, they did cancel, “Batgirl,” so who knows?

Not a joke. Need to look for it again

If that’s true, it would be stunning how much bad publicity Warner Bros. has brought on themselves over the past few years. They should be kissing the ground of everyone who made Barbie to salvage their 2023.

well, speak of the devil…

If true it will likely rank Values of Aquaman 34 and let me scoop it up for cheap

It was a joke.

Okay. It just sounded so outrageous. These days tho who knows what is real?

Yes it was. Lol. It was supposedly a Variety article look-alike screenshot but the Variety was wrongly spelled as “Vareity.” :rofl:

Damn them, they got me

More than a billion dollars from the first movie suggests some people do care about Aquaman. A great character when well-written.

I like that comic book plug at the end of the trailer.

Looks like we’ll get more of that crustacean species/kingdom. They were cool.

I’ve always enjoyed films that take advantage of cool underwater action, creatures. Give me that (again) and I’ll watch it.

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Screams another billion dollar movie. Aquaman. Under and over water battles. December. Legs for weeks.

I honestly am not sure if you’re sarcastic or serious. I think you’re being a little sarcastic but some people really go hard on the hero-movies.

From the trailer… umm… yea… looks like I’ll wait until it streams.
Love Aquaman; but what I saw was as cliched and expected as I could have … expected.

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Didnt China LOVE aquaman 1? which is a big reason why it made so much money. A handsome guy like Jason momoa, lots of cgi and vfx with a story you dont really need to get too invested in, transformers makes a ton in china for pretty much the same reason

The trailer looks awesome! Loved the 1st movie. Surprised they didn’t get the sequel out sooner given the success of the original film. Looks like Mera may only have a small part…which sucks for the character as she deserves decent screen time. We finally get a kick-a$$ version of Aquaman and his wife may be relegated to the background…because of the Amber Heard controversy? Perhaps they just should have done a re-cast? Manta looks bad-a$$ with his new black/magic trident. I hope we get to see Orm suit-up as Ocean Master. I think Nicole Kidman needs her own Aqua-Mom costume too!


Cant believe this comes out on Friday…

Feels like its under the radar, Like…no press or anything…

WB is dumping it and moving on…