She was in the story but barely… or am I confused?!?
I thought she was only in issue 18 but on the 2nd print cvr of 17.
Gwenpool, Gwenom, Night Gwen, Black Skull, Swordmaster off the top of my head. Frankencastle was on the incentive for Punisher #10 then showed up in #11
she had a one panel cameo in 14 and a few panels in 17
The Gwenpool and Frankencastle pre appearance covers fetch over $150
Yeah, 17 shows her at the end but not a clear shot… but pretty much a page. And yes, the very very small one panel appearance in #14.
Here’s the Frankencastle it’s very rare you hardly ever see one up for sale.
I sold one of those once. Randomly picked it up for $5 at a show and sold it locally for like $40. I guess I could’ve gotten more after all but I did okay—not mad if I made money.
Falcon as Cap in Avengers 35 is on the cover and that sells above cover (or did for a while).
Um, he first appears in Venom #2…multiple panels…throughout the book
Didnt buy any copies of Avengers Forever. I dont feel that theres much to the Captain Carter character, and am not sure Marvel can generate enough story or development to sustain the character. IMO, this is probably a quick flip.
She’s coming with her own series in March
I know, but how long will it last ? Hence, my opinion that its a quick flip - buy low, sell high, and sell fast; not enough margin because hype is already established. She just seems like a riff on Captain America, thats the flavor of the day. Winter Soldier, Falcon, etc. took on the mantle, and they had more going for them. No problem with her being female, just that theres nothing to sustain the character long term. I was proven wrong for Superior Spider-man and Miles, so Marvel may surprise me. Again not knocking the spec; tread lightly though ! Agent Carter is more interesting.
There’s some other decent stuff in the book like the Goddesses Of Thunder.
The Goddesses of Thunder are more interesting than Captain Carter. The former is a continuation of the Asgard mythology; the latter is a What-if character. The former is also not a first appearance.
Marvel cant seem to do much with the current Moon Knight; though the current storyline is interesting, and the TV show may turn into something good (still cant visualize a guy in white bandages running around in live-action; comics yes, animation yes, but live TV ???). Cue the umpteen series reboots.
A ‘new’/ ‘future’ Moon Knight may be another incarnation of Khonshu, but again without some character development, I dont see a long term spec.
Again, not knocking ANY spec; just saying tread lightly !
Oh wow I just pulled the 1:50 and 1:25 of #1 down from being listed.
? #3 has no ratios
No just A and B