Bad Idea

It’s the same short-term bump popular action figures get upon release. It’s not so much that another Commander Cody or Admiral Thrawn, etc. Black Series figure won’t be produced later, it’s more a matter of production timing and scheduling. So, the figure costs $70 instead of $20 for 6-12 months until Hasbro decides to slot that figure back into its factory’s manufacturing schedule.

Because a lot of people on the internet and particularly eBay fall into the following class of stupid…



I had typed out the same response and deleted it.
But you are 100% right!

I’m glad I sold my not 1st print for $60, I probably hold onto the copy tfaw sends me.

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Picked up the NFP from one of our stores last night. I enjoyed the story. The Hero Trade short at the end was kind of meh, but the main story has me hooked enough that I want to finish it.

Anyone else get this email from tfaw aboutWhalesville?

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Yup - just this a.m.

Yup, seems reasonable. Either they put in wrong price initially or Bad Idea updated the price afterwards. If the cover price is $7.99, you can’t expect a shop to sell at a loss…

I think the cover price is $9.99. At least that what midtown has.

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Oh, yeah… maybe. Since they said the new price is $7.99 with discounts…

Haven’t gotten this email yet. But good to know. Thank you

Yup got the same email this morning.

I got it too. I’ve seen TFAW send these out before changing the rices. Seems like a simple mistake. I think this is going to be a book similar in physical dimensions to Last Ronin.

yea i got one too. i saw a preview, art looks good

Anybody got some online retailers that carry Bad Idea other than midtown and TFAW.

I saw Golden Apple and comics elite on their list but they didn’t have Whalesville listed yet.

Third Eye had it listed but sold out

Most will likely show sold out as it’s FOC tomorrow and I’m sure most have already locked in their FOC orders over the weekend. Plus, who knows if Bad Idea is gonna still allocate and limit pre-orders… but this is a one-shot so there’s no reason to limit since they can’t force shops to order the same amount of issue #2.

Yeah. Original solicit said it was a $3.99 comic, recent one that added Rocks & Minerals to it upped the price to $9.99.

I totally skipped Eniac (unfortunately); however, this looks like my cup of tea. I like horror stuff, so this is getting added to my list.
The Lot #1 (Bad Idea)

I have had the lot on preorder since it popped up. I have ones on order from multiple places as I am not gonna miss this book.

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Midtown still has copies of Eniac #2 for sale