Batman #100 1st Ghost-Maker

It could also be a ghost who makes things.

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Clownhunter was in multiple panels. This is one panel. That’s the big difference.

Or maybe he gets ur number and then “ghosts” u.

I feel like tynion was watching Friends on TBS when he came up with some of these names.

Do any of the Batman 100 covers feature ghost maker?

Issue 100 is a “must pick up a copy” just becUse it has 3 realy good storys in it.


First cover is batman 102 1:25 incentive.

I’m doing sets of Joker War anyways. Will be getting a few 100. Glad they didn’t make 10 open order covers for it.

Don’t all covers of BM102 have GMaker?

And what about 101? If it appears in 101 could devalue 102 pretty big
might bump 100 a little too.

Not that there’s any value yet
except spec value.

All 3 covers of 102 have him.

It’s unknown if he’s in 101. Tynion said brief appearance end of 100 and then he becomes a major part of the story in 102. He didn’t mention 101.

FOC for 102 is a few weeks away, we will know if he is in 101 long before 102 foc. If anything i expect 101 to be a back story set up type of issue.

That’s awesome man! Thanks!

If your gonna show the picture then atleast tell people the other 2 storys :wink:

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Punchlines name and Clownhinters back story?

Uh, fiiiiiine Mike. :crazy_face: First story, Batman and Clownhunter have a talk. Batman disagrees with Clownhunter killing people
yadda yadda yadda. No backstory. Tynion already said Clownhunter’s backstory will be in the Annual. Next story is Jokers, wearing a hoodie, but all we see his is backside, no face
so we techinically dont know if this is the “real” Joker or what. Anywho, Joker is at a restaurant and is talking to the guy next to him. Long talk. Joker kills the guy at the end. Story continues in the Punchline book.

I saw the clownhunter story more as an origin as we get CH’s real name and the reason he put the mask on. I laughed when ch called bruce by a dif name thinking he figured out his identity

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Or it could be someone who has physical relationships with ghosts, who then go on to have ghost babies, the double entendre
Ghost Maker.

I’m gonna wait to buy Batman #100 when they’re like $1 each at one of the fine online retailers around Christmas time trying to offload their billion copies they couldn’t sell the first go round

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Thinking the same. I stopped in my LCS the other day, they had easily 30+ Three Jokers. This feels like the next massively over-printed book. Not to hijack, but could the same be said for Amazing Spider-Man 50?

Yes, that’s a book to avoid. Big Anniversary number books always end up showing up at the big 50-75% off sales it seems.

Not only is it an anniversary issue, but also the end of Joker War and a new character introduction. Will be heavily printed.

if Ghost Maker does take off as he’s heavily involved starting in 102, it may not make it to discount sales for a while.