Batman Black And White #3

Looks like these are starting to sell out on ebay.
Worth getting afew copy’s?


There’s a couple for cover on eBay won’t last long


Posted spoilers on the main site as to why they may be moving

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With regard to spoilers (spoiler ahead) is the girl on this cover the one who is the spoiler for Marvel Voices Legacy?

That’s Shuri not the new …

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One of you must have mentioned this book long ago. It’s in my TFAW orders and I wouldn’t have added it otherwise lol. Although I do love Middleton. So…thx to one of you.

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Woo hoo…another Batman sidekick. Quick…to the FOMObile…


Thanks Alana

Thanks! My LCS had a bunch still at cover.

Book just hit a certain “hot list”.

which book

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The Middleton cover of the book this thread is named after. :slight_smile:

There were some Marvel Voices Legacy chatter in there so wanted to make sure

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Thanks for the tip guys. Managed to get three at cover price and it wasn’t on my radar until you published the article :grin:

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