Black Panther 2: Atlantis vs Wakanda

Very cool trailer. What made it awesome for me tho were Namor’s feet wings flapping. :smiley:


Riri remains a hold for me but it is right on the cusp.
Shuri gets unloaded the week of the movie release at the peak hype. No looking back. I’ll keep one copy of her 1st in reserve though just because, in the grand scheme of comics/comic history it remains an important book.

I’ll take what I get and be happy about it.

I also was burned badly on America Chavez (although I do believe because of the actress that plays her there is hope going forward)

Took lessons I’ve learned and did very well on Gorr (although I also think villains definitely need to be treated differently and I’ll sell on rumor/first trailer and no later on villains now).


Damn. Marvel surely knows how to make trailers. Looks fantastic.


I would sell those riri and shuri books now, look what happened with chavez and kamala, even with how good they were and liked those books dropped

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Hold Riri comics to sell shortly before Ironheart, I’d say. Sell Shuri-featuring comics now for optimal money.


It’s just like IPO’s… excitement, craziness and demand… then things cool off when a new butterfly flies by for people to chase…

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Also people really expecting TOSIN to be in this movie? come on now


Yeah, some people need to put their expectations in check. Just setting themselves up with disappointment.

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Lots of idiots that speculate on books they have…


Trailer got me excited to see the movie.

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Tosin making his live action debut before miles? Would that make Miles the next Tosin…?:grin:


So is that Tosin or not? :joy:

You all joke but someone who doesn’t understand sarcasm is going to read this forum and then post on some site that CHU has confirmed Tosin for the upcoming Black Panther movie.

I’m kidding, they won’t give CHU credit.


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new poster…


Those are cute toys.

Not too sure on what exactly M’Baku is holding up in both hands…kid appropriate?.. :thinking: :wink:

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Is that A Tosin figure?!


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Don’t even dare! Lol.

Saw it today. Really good, looking forward to seeing it again.

No spoilers!

The Q&A with the cast after the screening got a bit emotional, it was quite something to witness how thinking about making it genuinely stirred up their memories of Chadwick Boseman.

Was crazy when Tosin turned up in the second end credit scene :wink: