Until Moore weights in on the discussion, Cates is the authority on the subject. End of discussion.
From what I remember about writing comics, both the writer and the artist come up with a story board based on the writers script. (rough stickman scenes are made for lack of a better visual reference) SO with that in mind, Cates and Moore collaborated and Moore drew Cates vision. Hence Cates saying “that isnt BW” is accurate.
Umm, that’s not how that works, at all.
Just because the creator of the art hasn’t spoken up on the subject, that does not mean that you just take the word of a wholly different creator. That is known as hearsay, and it is wholly irrelevant, imo. Let the discussuon ensue.
My statements were not assumptions. I did not claim them as fact, like you are about Cates’ opinion about Moores’ art. I, as clearly stated, was just introducing alternative scenarios to your hard stance of the fact that you think Cates has the final word on Moore’s creation (his art). Cates is not the be all to end all regarding Moore’s art, and Cates’ opinion of Moores’ art is essentially moot. If you guys want a real answer, get the real creators opinion. I wouldn’t be using hearsay from a different creator to justify my opinion.
If the art is based on the script, then yes, Cates does have a say in it. That’s the part you don’t understand or seem to misinterpret. Cates wrote a script to inspire the art. However Moore interpreted it is on him but when the script writer says it’s not Black Winter that’s now in Thor, then yes, he has equal or just as much say in the matter.
It’s not hearsay, it’s from the creators own mouth…
Saw my Psychologist yesterday and was using the ole Rorschach test on me.
I replied to the one image… “Black Winter”…he didn’t get it…and likely read far too much into the response than he needed to…but I went with it.
I was researching more about the true first appearance of Black Winter and as I’m thinking and pondering, I look down and low and behold, shit, Black Winter has been in my closet this entire time and today I just happened to wear his first appearance… he’s on my t-shirt…
I hear if you read, “Buzzkill,” by Donny Cates and Geoff Shaw it has the first appearance of Knull. It was a different publisher and I’m making shit up, but if I say it enough it seems the spec will catch on! I mean, Geoff Shaw then illustrated Cates run on, “Thanos,” and, “Thanos,” is found in space like Knull! CONNECT THE DOTS!
That’s the vibe I’m getting from this argument, ya’ll.