"But I'm pretty sure she's my daughter"

I wish he did give up, the world would be better off without KFC I think… its not real food… maybe at one time it was but it’s not anything I’d recommend to anyone.

But yeah, comparing fast food franchise success to comic book speculation is purely comical…

But yeah, comparing fast food franchise success to comic book speculation is purely comical…

It’s a true story of an American rising from the ashes and one that can be directly compared if Rien becomes a success. You may not like KFC but to many people it’s the best fried chicken on the market and a taste worth making special trips to acquire. For that matter, the mashed potatoes and gravy, buttered corn and even the baked beans are great. The biscuits aren’t bad either.

All the basics are in place.

Marketable appearance, unpolluted back story/origin, pretty good story overall and a hole in the MCU she could fit right into without having to have a whole bunch of continuity contradictions. New toys, statues, t-shirts and Pop figures looking for something new to bring to life.

She’s fresh.

No matter how great anything is that comes out there’s always going to be naysayers and people that don’t like something. You can’t satisfy all the people all of the time. It looks like this one checks enough boxes to satisfy enough and have a future.

For those it don’t, there’s always Hardeee’s and Popeyes. There’s room for them all even if their chicken skin doesn’t taste as good, is too hard to chew and sometimes dry on the inside.

Rien or any comic book character is completely different type of success compared to someone building a business to become successful…

And just because it tastes good doesn’t mean you should still eat it. :wink:

That’s exactly what he’s doing. When he creates, the team is building a story and hero from nothing or as it’s been stated above, past crap and this time trying to find the business model that’s a hit or works. This time it appears he has but as always, only time will tell. Sometimes they’re a success for a while, sometimes they move the highway a few miles over from you and force you to start all over again before hitting it out of the park.

Ewwww… in high school I worked at Hardee’s… I do not recommend eating there. I was instructed if I dropped the food on the floor, just pick it up and serve it. The store I worked at was considered the cleanest store in the nation and I can tell you first hand, it was not that clean.

Also, I’ve heard crack is great, makes you feel great… doesn’t mean we should all be doing crack! :wink:

You are familiar with Hardee’s then :slight_smile: Unfortunately, they are the only chicken within walking distance. I try really hard not to get forced into what they offer but the closest KFC is an extreme pain to get too with any regularity. Popeye’s is even further away and I don’t mind it a little spicey sometimes but other times I prefer blonde. I am a gentleman after all.

I know I’m heading down the “beating a dead horse” tunnel but…

This new character isn’t really about Wolverine at all. That is why I think it’s so cool/new/innovative and why she has a chance.

The story is really more about Rien, Sylvie, and their family. Wolverine is just a side note…they needed him for his anti aging abilities. Anything else is just a “bonus”. This family has to fight this demon every 10 years for eternity…they apparently need to either A. Breed like crazy and hope they have daughters over and over throughout time OR B. Find themselves an option that allows for semi-immortality.

Of course, I’m just hoping…but what if this entire thing leads us to a story/future series about Rien and her family and deals more with their Supernatural ties than anything relative to Wolverine/Xmen, etc…That is why I’m in super spec mode with this one.

It’s sure the heck better than ole Weapon H and even that has held on.

Just avoid all fast food… learn to make it yourself. :wink:

Yeah but one has to ponder… would we be even talking about her if it wasn’t for that last pane… “She’s clearly my daughter”… ??

This could be just another character who got thrown into the spec light because she is related to Wolverine.

I’m not in the better than Weapon H camp yet by a long shot. I think they’re different and fill different niches. Even though they didn’t do him justice with that series, I still hope he’s about to step up and fill a hole in the Avengers She-Hulk and Blade leaving will be creating. I overbought on issue #10 hoping it would have been then.

Blonde stabby I want to read the whole story on and see what happens over the next 3 issues before getting too excited. That’s going to take a trade or a full set of 2nd printings for the series before that happens since MCP6 has already crossed into the triple digits which is about double where I think she’ll be parked at in a year for raws. Right there where Naomi and Weapon H have settled.

I’m starting to think my UPS driver got mugged for his WD193’s. Why is he late today when so many others got early delivery yesterday?

I do like the Clayton Cortez backstory/humanistic story involved with him and his wife/kid. Was a saving grace for Weapon H (and the fact that he is a Marine :slight_smile:

In the end, I’ve more than made my money of this Marvel Presents business and I’m still picking up copies of #5. Sales will fetch me my nice copy of Fantastic Four Annual #6 I’ve been saving for and I still have two complete runs of MCP set aside.

Flop or not…ole Wolvies daughter was a great success for me !! All I can ask for!!

I think we should track Blonde Stabbys rise (and inevitable market correction) with that of Naomi and Weapon H. Hell, throw in BMWLs too! It’d be interesting to see how they track over their first 12-24 months outside of all this speculation.

And yes, if wolverine hadn’t spit that line out at the end, no one cares about this character at this point (one week after release)…it’d be another issue in the MCP run…

Hmmm, now I want to try this thing you call ‘crack’, Poyo. I want to feel great!

She would have still caught heat. She was shown with claws. Wolvie didnt need to say anything for this character to catch heat. Her claws, if not daddy’s acknowledgment, would have sparked this fire too, imo.


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“But I’m pretty sure she’s my daughter”

Anyone see Oldboy? (the original Korean version)

this would have saved the main character a lot of trouble later on

Green Stabby is getting collected into her own book for under $20.

I thought it was blonde stabby.

Too many stabbies…can’t keep them straight.

Soo excited to know I was going to have an affordable chance to read them I went color blind momentarily. :see_no_evil:

Now if they’d just do something to get it here sooner than Feb of next year maybe I could put this itch to bed for long winters nap. Sounds like a great stocking stuffer to me more than a Valentines Day diet alternative.