CGC calling FCBD first full Virus

I think that CGC is labeling FCBD as 1st appearance not only because of the intended release date (which I totally understand, because Marvel can’t control COVID or state lock downs) but ALSO because the last page of FCBD says “to be continued in Venom 26”.

That being said, Venom 26 DID hit shelves first, and Marvel COULDA HAVE got FCBD out to stores sooner. I don’t see this has being too different than other debated fist appearances. I mean, I think stores opened up around June (at least here in Nevada) and FCBS started in July?

I guess it is a toss up, but CGC labeling could very likely influence the flipping market.


And … is the Midtown version better/same/worse than the regular FCBD Spider-man Marvel version …

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So CGC is basically wagging the dog then?

Ahh, missed that one, thanks.

I could have sworn that I picked up those two books during the same Wednesday. I very well could be mistaken. But, if you say they came out a week apart, Ill assume that is correct. :beers:

I picked up my 10 copies of Venom 26 from my LCS and then 5 FCBD the next week. The whole Virus situtation really messed up the schedule.


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Didn’t shops get them well ahead of the release? Could shops have been distributing them early?

In 40yrs that will make it worth a lot of money :cowboy_hat_face:

Wonder same I have a few of those as well

When it comes down to it, the grading companies are the ultimate end all. Whatever they put on the label is taken as truth by people. So many don’t keep up with articles, or hell even may get the book years later. The market is easily manipulated by a simple label on a graded book, and everyone knows that.

Didn’t cbcs say something different on their label though?

That’s why we need to educate the masses. Buy the book, not the slab or the label they throw on it… That’s what CGC wants you to pay for but you should focus all the money to the book itself.

I have over 200 copies of Venom 26 and just 3 FCBD’s. I would love for Venom 26 to be labeled as First, but it’s clearly not.

If FCBD didn’t say “continued in Venom 26” at the end then maybe there would be a valid argument.

CGC got this right.


According to publishing date and reading order, yes.

As for reaching consumers hands? No.

This isn’t surprising though. I would label the FCBD book first appearance as well. But that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the overall winner when it comes to value or demand.

I believe you can still order the FCBD from Diamond… there’s crap tons of them out there. Be happy you bought Venom #25 and Venom #26… the FCBD is what it is… FREE!

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I don’t think it will be the winner either. Of course, I’m biased on that one lol.

Also since we’ve seen that Virus appears to be a skeleton or likely half dead already… he might not be around much longer. Seems like a throw away character at this point. Plus he needs new look and armor… we don’t need another Iron Man patched up with duct tape flying around chasing symbiotes…

I think he’ll be around for awhile. Cates telegraphs a lot in a real honest, non-hyped kind of way and he already said he’ll be with us for a long time.

I guess he’ll make a great C Rated support character…

Totally understand the logic you used.

But that is a slippery slope, and implies every single appearance, flashback, historical appearance, and memory with an occurrence of character from a previous chronological standpoint no matter release date is now a first appearance.

I don’t really mind either way, since I have 5 copies of the FCBD, but setting that precedence would devalue a whole range of present and future books.

It’s Covid related. That gives cause and protects non-Covid related designations.

If this were true, wouldn’t EBay prices be skyrocketing right now? I don’t see it right now on EBay.