CGC pickups

Here is a fun one I paid $30 for. I do love low grade silver age and keys.


Seller took a bath selling this one. Nice pickup.

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I am not sure how to value it… It is low grade, but I got it from a shop that got it as part of a collection today. Such a weird hodge edge of books. All these modern comics and then some keys. They are waiting to get the rest of them in. They didn’t really take a bath on it since they paid very low for the lot.

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Some seem to forget, when you are a retailer, you’re in the business of moving inventory, not sitting on it trying to get the max top dollar for stuff… you just end up sitting on it for too long.

They had it at $50. I looked at it and he said to me “you know you are going to buy it.” I put it back. I said let me see it again. He said “I am going to make you buy it”. I said what is your price. He said, “What will you offer” I said $20. He laughed and said “I like that you low balled me”. He said I won’t take $20 but will take $20 off. I said sold. He said Told you I would make you buy it.

I buy all sorts of odd stuff from them. That is why I like that store.


From the Jenny Frison signing back in April.


Just got in a couple of CPR candidates. My fav book to try for grade bumps.


Those are older labels. Definitely send them in for 9.9 prescreens!!!

(Yes, that was a joke).


Both are my own submissions and just posted on my dashboard.

The Hawkeye/Ant-Man is an iconic comic (and movie) image; so super happy to have both Rudd and Renner autographs. But honestly was terrified to send in the already signed Renner 9.8 since I thought I got a gift 9.8 grade originally. Both top corners on the spine are wonky. But - it is what it is and if they say it’s 9.8 second time around, then it’s 9.8 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Chris Pine, shockingly, has very very little CGC autographs I could determine, when I sent it in. So that’s why I did send the comic in. I also sent it in because I was 99.9% convinced this one, way beyond the Hawkeye/Antman would come back a 9.8. It did not, clearly.
But it is what is and if they say it’s a 9.6, then it’s a 9.6 :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In the end I guess I"m happy with two (imo) “misses” balancing each other out


Man am I happy I didn’t sell that NYX 3 raw :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

All but Mr. and Mrs. X 3 are available if anyone is interested.



I am a big Campbell fan

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I think Campbell is at best mediocre. We should be talking about good artists. Like Liefeld. Lol. Though I like him over Campbells art.

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I like Campbell. Found a niche and excels at it.

That’s just it. Campbell found his niche. Liefeld found his Noche. There are great artists putting out the same cover over and over (Jenny Frison I am looking at you look at David Mack look at Peach Momoko).


Old Frison was so much better than new Frison. Her covers are boring af and she is such a good artist. Face on cover, done. Torso on cover, done. Do we need a background? No, here are some flowers or a random color. Do a scene for a change and finish the covers. Maybe the money dried up and it’s not worth her effort.


One thing that stands out over time, even with super talents, is how many artists lean hard on what they’re known for/personal tropes. It’s easy to do. I imagine many don’t want to rock the boat with editors and/or it’s faster for them to create.

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These are for the PC and the 1st time i ever got a 9.9 or 10.

Uploading: CGC4459147-011_OBV.jpg…

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Lots of stuff Avatar covers were good for grading.

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