CGC pickups

Grader Notes:
moderate spine stress lines to cover

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Just got 4 Star Wars Magazines back from CGC all of them have cracked cases.

I was wondering if others had problems with CGC Magazine slabs. I also had a couple of teenage mutant ninja turtle cases cracked.


Over the last year that number is called more than one’s own best friends phone number.
I’ve seen cell phones that are worn out speed dialing that number millions of times.

I have 11 last ronins on their way back this week, I’ll post if I have issues.

Never heard of a CGC magazine case problem. If it was all of them, likely someone dropped them together. Maybe before they were shipped!

My frustration is I need to send them back and it will take another three months to get these books back.

time to try CBCS


Cbcs doesn’t have magazine slabs yet.

Nah if you contact them they will reholder them and get them back to you ASAP. I had one come back not sealed and it was back to me in three weeks and they paid shipping overnight there and back.

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I am very familiar with CGC reholdering services, I have had multiple copies of x-men giant size #1 reslabed a told of 5 times due to damage from CGC. I had a half a dozen slabs miss labeled by CGC and now the 4 magazines with cracked cases. Its great they reslab the books with no charge to me however I prefer they get it right the 1st time given the insane turnaround times.

The bottom line is I have to wait another month or 2 to get these books back from CGC.


I was simply trying to say I didn’t think it would take 3 months to get it back, of course you want them back not damaged.

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It’s best for me not to say anything.
I don’t want to get started on the Mickey Mouse Club in Sarasota that still; is demonstrating Quality Control like… drum roll… the Mickey Mouse Club.

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I thought that I posted these but I guess I forgot.

The one Buffy is an error that I didn’t even realize until I got it back and saw the notes.


I don’t know what it is, but cgc seems to butcher that book when they slab it….never send a GSXM1 to them. Too risky.


CGC mentioned the overhang on the x-men giant size #1 makes it difficult to slab.

if you do use CGC for this book, increase the insurance value of the book.


Anutha one

Tried to embed the video but was unsuccessful. Check it out below!

CGC books back from the Tynion signing



Finally got a 9.9 from CGC, unfortunately it was for an Eniac 2


Hey man, a 9.9 is awesome though!

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