Shots fired


This is exactly what CBCS needs to say, and they should keep repeating the message. I’m only surprised it took them this long to create an email alluding to CGC’s massive fail.


I’m just gonna grab my popcorn and take a seat for this fun battle between two titans.

What battle? You need opposing forces for a battle to happen. CBCS isn’t anywhere near CGC’s level and nothing will come about from this. CGC is basically an elephant and CBCS is an ant.

People have way too much money invested in CGC for anything to change. Probably why CBCS is so slow to try and take any advantage of the situation because they know it won’t change a thing so why bother.

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so put my popcorn away?

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Every few percentage points that change the dynamic matter; especially when the “dynamic” (i.e. F-up) is occurring every 6 months - 1 year.
1% move over for acetategate
2% for newton rings
2% for constant cracked delivered cases
1 - 2% for this major scam
Keep adding it all up because sure as sh&t another one is coming in 6 months to a year. Bank on it


in the words of metallica: sad but true


How many big boy books
the real classics that leave folks wide eyed and bushy tailed, do you ever see graded in a CBCS case??? Very rarely

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And how many of those can now be trusted?!! Could all be swaps!!! :wink:


Too true now. Could have missing value stamps. Married pages. Missing pages. Who knows.


No, I’m talking about “the” big boy books. Yes, I realize books that were impacted by the CGC scandal weren’t cheap, but I’m speaking to the truly rare, big money books.

Nobody is buying up multiple copies of Crime suspenstories #22, Batman #1, etc to pull switch a roos.

The golden age gems just aren’t typically graded by CBCS. Regardless of ones thoughts on the situation, it would be foolish to do so. As much as many of those reholder books are viewed as “grails” let’s be honest, they just aren’t really rare whatsoever. Hulk 181, ASM 300, Black Cat 194, etc, etc
it was easier to pull that scam because they are so easy to obtain.

Too much high roller money wrapped up in CGC
it’s not going anywhere as the comic powers that be aren’t going to let that happen.

.or are they



Curious what others though about CGC grading older books with a different standard as modern books. This video details books recently sold at hertiage auction, many over 1 millions dollars which were grade 9.2 and 9.4 for older books with writing on the cover and abrasion and foxing. if these defects were on a modern book the best they would do in the around 7.5. doesnt make sense.


I agree 100%. But if I start on CGC; I fear I can’t stop myself. This is just “thing” #89 with them.

Queue in the excuses folks will come in with to justify this nonsense: "Well
 they’re older books so
 " or "Well
 at that time the paper quality was
 " or “Well
 foxing is to be expected because” “Well
 older books can’t be held to the same condition expectations of a new book”, etc. etc. etc. etc.

Excuses, Excuses, Excuses for those that cant handle accuracy in exchange for detrimental impact to their comic’s FMV.
Oh wait
 I almost forgot
 it’s all subjective, so it’s all cool. My bad


I’d like to add another “gripe”. I’ve become really confused as to how CGC is handling some of these different “special” collections that come to light.
I understand that there are Pedigree collections, and that certainly some of these are deserving of such a status, however I’m seeing more and more labels that aren’t really Pedigrees but are just sort of “special” for some reason or another.
I personally own some like this but it still leaves me scratching my head.
Almost seems like a big $$ game and conflict of interest as these collections are always brought/shopped to the grading companies.

Just seems like a really vague sort of criteria and how much money is involved in the game?


We haven’t talked about it here but it seems like a lot of people in the community are really upset about this new 9.9 prescreen that cgc is going to roll out. I won’t be partaking in such nonsense from cgc, looks like another giant scam to me.

However cgc will have to give out SOME 9.9s to keep dangling the carrot so these dummies will keep sending their books in to prescreen to get this mythical 9.9 (aka cgc graders throwing darts on a board). So with more 9.9s in the market a lot of dealers are worried that it’ll put further downward pressure on the prices of 9.8s.

Cgc the protector of the community :joy:


Thing #90 :wink:

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For cgc it is an excellent business move. Most new comics will not hit 9.9 so it’s free money. The 9.8 prescreen should be sufficient because it could be 9.8 or above. But now people are trying to push the envelope to get better and better books. But again, for cgc, it is free money.

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I don’t think so. As a business move they have to deliver 9.9s, as @SpicyWasabi said. Otherwise this thing will die in the vine as people get frustrated when 100s of books getting returned and nothing to show for it. So 9.9 will become the new 9.8.

This really should only impact those who send in new releases. But going forward you will ABSOLUTELY see a lot more 9.9 new books on eBay and at shows.

I don’t care for it, because it likely further eats away at what we perceive to be CGC’s integrity. It’s just one more example of CGC putting $$ ahead of that model of integrity.

If someone shows you who they are, believe them.


I was initially thinking what Anthony said – this will be free money for CGC – but I do think SpicyWasabi and D-Rog are on to something that is a likely case scenario.