just got back some CBCS slabs and i got them back faster than expected with a card saying so

slabs look good, 1st time having them. Beckett really has improved operations.


Just curious did you have pregrades and how did CBCS grade vs what you had in kind for your books.


i didnt do any pre-screens, they were books i had pressed awhile back and took advantage of their 15% off sale. I thought I’d get better scores for the DD 131 and DCP 47 but overall I thought the results were close to what I expected.

i like them, they dont feel flimsy. Sturdy and solid, the label is fine for me, i know some collectors hate it.


this is the only CBCS label I do not own a book in yet

Very nice


It’s growing on me.


Nice batch of books! Thanks for sharing :+1:



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Has anyone used CGC pressing service, with the 20% discount for elite members its under 10 bucks.

Just curious how the results were?

I have for celebrity signings.
They are, in my opinion, as basic as one can get from a pressing service.
So minor indents, imperfections is worth it on a modern in particular.
If you expect top notch pressing and cleaning like from a private service, you’re not going to get that I don’t believe.

I have, mostly on moderns and one Silver Age Marvel. No complaints but I’m not a frequent submitter.


It’s interesting because I often read that CGC only does a minimal approach to its pressing, but my experience with moderns is that I get a 95%+ 9.8 return - albeit I tend to be selective with what I submit.

My worst experience was using a well-known presser prior to submitting to CBCS during Covid. I had a 50% 9.8 rate, and given that I submitted 20 books I was pretty unhappy. The grader’s notes included bends and ticks that were not present when I sent them to the presser. The presser blamed CBCS and their subsequent handling of the books, but I had no leg to stand on. The presser sent them in on my behalf, so I literally had no idea what had happened or who was to blame. Massively expensive mistake I will never repeat again.

Just to add, maybe the added value of an independent presser comes with older books that need more work that a cold press won’t address. I would now only use a presser that takes and provides pictures of completed books and will represent me/their work if there is a problem.

Maybe. CBCs and CGC tend to charge more for for older books so you’d hope they put more care/effort for the price.

But as with any company vs. individual, the individual has more riding on their work as it’s their reputation that brings in repeat business
for CGC it’s just a convenience thing
they’ll always have business coming in and who knows how often they go through or train pressers.

That being said, I’ve used both CBCS and CGC pressing, mostly with moderns, with pretty good results
only a few books I felt they could have done more for me
so I may eventually have those repressed by a reputable individual to see if they can do more.


It’s a really interesting point. Does CGC offer anything other than a basic press? I’ve always assumed you get a standard offering regardless of the age or value of the book.

When you look at independent pressers there is often a menu of different services (deep clean, etc.), that I don’t recall seeing with CGC or CBCS.

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Been hearing that people are getting back their cgc submissions in record time :grin:


I learned when I was about 
 oh I dunno
 maybe 18 years old, that a CEO is the one individual representing a company that should not be listened to. Marketing Managers get 2nd nod as well.

Flash forward 40 years and I’ve actually learned how to doze off and get a good hour of additional sleep during my company’s town hall hosted by our CEO. The load of crap, wrapped in red roses and sealed with a golden tongue is unmatched


Couple guess, down market, less submission due to subpar / questionable grading process ( got 4/10 (3/10 actual damage to the book it self) book damaged via reholder) and of course your book may end up being swapped out for a low grade book. No re-course or new process to protect it customer. Honestly, what have CGC done to show any type of recourse except for offering submission without membership? 10% Discount? All of this doesn’t matter when you can’t offer or protect your customer with your flawed procedure. FYI - always take picture before submission / reholder. Fortunately for me, I did that and I can prove the stress line / indent caused by the reholder.


Hopefully some of the folks out there have learned their lesson about grading anything and everything. I can’t believe some of the stuff I have seen for sale/unboxing videos over the last few years. I’m not perfect
there are books I have sort of questioned myself on after the fact, but certainly not to the level some of these folks are submitting. Leaves me shaking my head.

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