Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec

I thought these prints were pretty cool and thought I’d share:

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I like those. I have soooo much Star Wars art. The unfortunate thing about nice, framed art is that wall space becomes an issue. I like it to be displayed nicely & non cluttered. At a certain point, there just simply isn’t enough room or walls lol.


There’s always the ceiling.



@Devildog Thanks for the tip!


Heck yeah! Amazon is a hassle, but I find some incredible stuff on there. Just have to find the sellers you can rely on. Glad you found some!

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There is a lot of deadbeat sellers on Amazon. That and many are way over priced. Then there is the constant looking though hundreds of items that have nothing to do with what you are searching for…When you do come across a good seller they do come though though. I think I have found three or four that I like a lot. The rest are either “meh” or dealers who probably got kicked off of Ebay years ago.

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Just came in!


Nice! Our discussion got me on a spree and I ended up buying the rest of the run before Keycollector and cbsi and comic Tom catch on to the Twin engines of destruction stuff. I love that Star Wars is finally getting its due after collecting these comics for 25 years, but damn it puts a cramp in my formerly cheap niche.


Maybe Star Trek is next???

Amazon is very strict to sellers. I was banned from selling on Amazon for a few years because of too many returns. Amazon does not listen to your side of the story. People think eBay seller protection is bad and that they always side with the buyer but they have not experienced the wrath of Amazon. They do not mess around.

Amazon will let you return anything for any reason… they truly are all about customer experience. I will never sell on Amazon unless I was a legit retailer or business selling goods of some type.



Fixed it:


I saw that this sold for quite a bit of money on ebay recently and I’m wondering if there is a definitive guide to the different versions of these old Star Wars comics. I can’t find any version that has 30 cent diamond price with a barcode in the box. Is this real?

Sorry if this is in the wrong place–didn’t know where to post it.

Was able to find 1st Embo at cover from IDW but it appears they are all sold out.

Just throwing this in a random Star Wars thread. Cinefex with Mandalorian and the Child cover

Cinefex #172 (

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Today’s grabs.

image image

Dark Lords of the Sith #1
Dark Empire Handbook Vol 3
Lost Tribe of the Sith: Spiral 1&2 (1st Remulus Dreypa & others)
Knight Errant #1 (1st Kara Holt)
Knights Errant:Escape #3
Knights of the Old Republic 33 (1st Darth Hayze)
Knights of the Old Republic #47 x2 (1st Mando Demagol)

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What is a Cinefex? I’ve never seen or heard of it.

Oh it’s a visual effects magazine with articles about movies and tv shows and stuff

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