Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec

I think this book has been mentioned in another thread here, but with BoBF winding down, and the Obi-Wan disney+ series a given, these “From the Journal of Old Ben Kenobi” stories may see some short time spike in the future.

Obvious there are stories and characters from Legends, but I believe this story is Canon and the first one from Marvel.

It’s a one off, and a good read. It gives some background as to what Ben’s purpose was remaining tatooine (we all know), but more interesting is how he handled it. Basically how does he ensure Luke’s safety without blowing his cover? There are scenes in this comic that I can see being re-enacted on the small screen almost verbatim.

Oh, and for those of you who like firsts, my understanding is this is the first mention/appearance of the Black Melons that were brought into official canon in the BoBF episodes.

Still can be found for cover. Maybe a quick flip at the right moment. Not necessarily a long term hold unless for the PC/History.


Here’s one to keep an eye out for the Outlander Trade.

It collects Dark Horse Star Wars 6-12, including 7 (1st Aurra Sing & Sharad Hett) and 10 (1st A’Sharad Hett, eventual Darth Krayt).

To my knowledge these issues were never reprinted. So this TPB 1st edition is technically the reprint for the above.

So as issues 7 & 10 proceed further north this TPB becomes more desired. Also it came out in 2001, so it’s tough to find in near mint.

Sells for $30+. Cover price is $15.

Found a couple at my LCS. One was in NM so grabbed it for the read.


Nice pick up. I love a good under circulated reprint.


Can’t believe I’m gonna do this, but I gotta. 7 is first Sharad Hett, A’Sharad’s father. 10 is A’Sharad (eventually Krayt).

Not that it matters in this case because they’re all in there.

As you can see, I haven’t read it yet… but you’re right, I keep getting the hetts mixed up. I’ll correct it.

I should know better and be confirming through Wookywiki before posting …

The best thing about these characters is that they first appeared in comic media. Like Aphra and Krrsantan.



Grabbed these off eBay for ~$14 shipped.

These mini graphic novels are not easy to find in the wild. And hard covers are very scarce. Usually come from libraries like these did. But they can still be in pretty decent shape.

Going to work on removing the tape along the spine carefully with a heat gun.


I nabbed the softcover of Crash Course in the final minutes of an eBay auction for $7 the other day. It arrived in way better shape than I expected.

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Is Darth Krayt a canon character or legends?

Legends…for now.


FREE Doesn’t get much cheaper than that:

Long term hold for those previews buyers later on down the line.

“First” Mando. Just cover shots and a solicit.


Just in case… Un-Du a few bucks for a bottle on amazon works wonders on removing stickers from comics and books alike leaves no chemical residue.


It’d be better if it was the previews cover…

that wont stop the “true first” people from hyping it up lol

Sure, but it’s free.


Not many previews have value unless the character is featured in the cover. So…meh.

Thanks for sharing though. I’ll likely grab one later if I can.

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midtown has them free, no limit. pay only shipping

Not anymore.

Someone did them a favor and cleared out some paper inventory.