Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec


New alert on key collector Return of the jedi 1, first appearance of Bidlo’s skull :rofl:


He looks like a Jonah Hex

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So does multiple panels of his skull constitute a first full, cameo, or first partial appearance?

I assume given the relative size of the other bones those are not his remains.

Shows how much you know. He was known as “Big Bones” Bidlo.”

I keep reading “Dildo” instead of Bidlo…this character is forever ruined for me…

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Ruined, or even better?

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Well, he’s definitely not fat…


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Finally went to the post office to sign for my package from the UK.


As I was re-bagging and boarding an old short box of my Star Wars comics and flipping through one of the books, I stumbled upon this picture that grabbed my attention.

I immediately thought that it was a cool picture of Doctor Aphra and Black Krrsantan. The only problem was, this book was from 2006, almost 9 years before their debut in the 2015 Darth Vader series! :exploding_head:

So, who are they then?
Well, these two characters are actually Chak and Kee from the Star Wars Legacy series. While there are similarities with Dr. Aphra and Black K, Kieron Gillen has said that Doctor Aphra was inspired by a statue of Indiana Jones that she saw while on a tour at Lucasfilm with her co-creator Salvador Larroca.

Could Larroca have been inspired by Chak and Kee when designing Aphra and Black K?
Maybe, however that has not been confirmed.

So what’s the cheap spec here?
It’s not the first appearance of Kee, which was the concept art pictured above from Star Wars Legacy #0, nor Chak’s which was in Star Wars Republic #81.

The cheap spec here is their first cover appearance in Star Wars Legacy #14. This book is also considered a minor-key due to it being the first appearance of the leader of Skull Squadron, Gunn Yage. Emphasis on minor-key, as I doubt this book will ever heat up and will likely stay cheap, similar to my previous post about Big-Bones Bidlo!

Enjoy! :grinning:


Gotcha. So… 1st cover appearance of Doctor Aphra and Black Krrsantan prototypes

You see that Krap Kollector ??? NOW SEND OUT A DAMN ALERT !!!


I think that honor probably belongs with Han and Chewie


You laugh…however…


Here is my cheap Star Wars Spec:

Star Wars Jedi Council Acts of War #2

First appearance of Jedi Soon Bayts

That’s right folks, Master Bayts first appears in Star Wars.

Originally written as a joke, the editor didn’t notice and always added the word “master” in front of Jedi names. So Master Bayts appears in comics. Interesting to note there are two spellings of the name as seen in the panel below.


I guess if Freedon Nadd is ever canonized it could be up for debate about his first appearance. He first “appears” in Tales of the Jedi #2 as a mummy. It’s better than skeletal remains, i guess, but not sure if that technically counts as a first appearance.

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I can handle that line really had me rolling.

I’m adding Master Baytes’ keys to tomorrow.


Real kicker would be if there is a Jedi Master Bader kicking around somewhere.

Garth Ennis already did that with a demon called Master Baytor in The Demon series.