Cheap(ish) Star Wars Spec


Some of these mini graphic novels are strarting to catch on. Bo Katan’s first kind of got the flame started.

Also keep an eye out for the Dark Forces II mini graphic novel…going through the stratosphere…

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Hey all (long time lurker, first time poster),
Reviving an old topic here to ask what people’s thoughts are on Rogue One Adaptation #1 (first Cassian Andor) as far as spec potential. I feel like this issue has stalled out at like $15-20 and was wondering if there was maybe a reason for that, or if now might be a decent time to stock up for once the show is a little closer to release? Would appreciate y’alls thoughts, as well as any other good spec ideas that are still around that $20 range.


They often start as lurkers and then become regular contributors! Welcome, @ACComics.

I think it’s well worth buying in at a low price $4-10 at this point. To your question, if I had to guess about market forces it’s probably just that Cassian isn’t at the forefront of peoples’ minds right now. Andor was announced. There have been aerial shots of a set in England. It’s in production. Meanwhile, most people are preoccupied with Snyder JL, new Falcon &WS, etc.

I wouldn’t see Rogue One #1’s plateau as a negative indicator of its potential. Just normal calm before the storm type stuff. Plenty of WandaVision spec books were cheap up until the day an episode premiered. Time to quietly buy up some cheap Star Wars firsts.

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Pick ‘em up for $4 or less in NM or better. You’ll be happy you did in a year.

This. Take advantage now.

Rogue One Cassian & K-2SO Special might also be good to stock up on. Not a first appearance but the origin story of Cassian decommissioning K-2 from imperial service and requisitioning him for rebel missions.

So, acting on a few tips and grabbing some comics as cheaply as possible, I wanted to reflect on what I have bought and why. Also to thank all of the contributors who have broadened my knowledge. Thank you!
First up - High Republic - Marvel.

So this one is bit of a no brainer. I am really confident the only was is up for these.(I have been wrong before!) Regardless I am happy with them, espescially the Hans #1 Mayhew #3 and Witter #2


Next up Star Wars Adventures… Now I think I actually prefer this series, and they are really hard to get in the UK. Most shops don’t carry them. But Marchion Ro looks like a great “Big Bad” and 1st cameo and 1st full merit me getting the variants. (#1 Yoda and #2 Buckets of blood* not arrived yet!)


Next up and with thanks to Devil dog.

I read the Baron Fel stories in Rogue Squadron and liked it so much I bought some copies for my PC - I particularly liked issue 25.(Not that cheap but I am happy with the deal!)

Rogue Squadron 3 has a 1st app… I think?
Star Wars 16 - 1st Beilert Valance
Crimson Empire 1 - I got in a bundle , but cool looking cover and has some firsts.

Next some more modern Star Wars.

Star Wars 6 3rd Print. - 1st Full Sana Starros. (She is shown before but not named, I think the previous brief apps in 4 and 5 don’t show her face or name her)

Doctor Aphra 40 - Last Issue low print - especially for this variant is my guess.
Doctor Aphra 1 - Variant - Great Murder Droids cover.
Doctor Aphra 1 - Variant - Cheap 1st issue variant - what’s not to love.
Darth Vader 1 - 4th Print and Directors cut. I have 5th print envy for those of you that have it! - Love Black Krrrsantan.

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Finally I want to thank gemcityassassin and Agent Poyo and last but not least Drunkwooky (We’re lucky to have you here!) Sorry if I have missed anyone else…it’s a long thread now!

Tales of the Jedi -Ulic Qel-Droma and the Beast Wars of Onderon - 1st Ulic Qel-Droma
Tales of the Jedi The Sith War 1 - 1st Mandalore the Indomitable
Tales of the Jedi The Sith War 6 - 1st Mandalore the Ultimate

Now for a bit of confusion - What is the 1st apps of Marka Rangnos and Naga Sadow - My notes give me 2 different comics! Well hopefully one of the is correct.
Tales of the Jedi Golden age of Sith 2 - 1st * Marka Ragnos ?? 1st Naga Sadow ?? I haven’t been able to verify these are first apps for certain.
Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith - Ashcan and 1 - 1st Exar Kun
Tales of the Jedi - Dark Lords of the Sith 6 1st Marka Ragnos??

I will leave you in peace.(Sorry for spamming so many replies.


yea that 5th print of DV #1 is pretty scarce, there is also a comicspro variant no clue of its print run but probably 500-1k

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Not spam. Great pick ups. Will respond longer later. Watching child. Injuries imminent. Dog is worried.


Naga Sadow’s first appearance is in the Dark Lotds of the Sith ash can. It’s a flash back recounted by a holocron Exar Kun is listening to:

bottom left corner panel. It came out September 1994, the regular issue came out October 1994, and his next appearance November 1996 in Golden Age of the Sith 2. He was mentioned before all this in Tales of the Jedi 2 Beast Riders of Onderon but didn’t appear.

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Dark Lords of the Sith 6 is first Marka Ragnos.

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Here’s something I remembered this evening while reading. Soule created a pretty cool looking Bounty Hunter named Chanath Cha who first appears in Lando #2 (2015):


If War of the Bounty Hunters is all about Bounty Hunters, Soule may pull Chanath out of retirement. It also seems she has a lengthy past with Lando and Lobot, maybe Han? Maybe that pulls her into the fray.

Plentiful copies for $2.00 over on the Bay.


I’ve been picking up the old Marvel reprints lately. I think the first 6 issues were reprinted right away in 1977?? I also have been loading up on Whitman variants for cheap. I have several copies of issue 16- 1st valance- that are Whitman variants. Also have a few 2 and 5 that are the 1977 reprints. Seems to me it’s just a matter of time for those to catch some heat.

Just when I thought I was out… you pull me back in!! LoL.

Thanks for asnwering my questions Drunkwooky and great info on Lando 2. I could easily see Chanath appearing in the War of the bounty hunters. I just ordered this nice looking cover to issue 1. large-7278382

and who is that by Boba’s side on this YU variant?

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Left to right: 4-LOM, Beilert Valance, Aphra, then Zuckuss.

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