Any spec on this comic?
Seems like I haven’t been hearing any real chatter on the title. But I’m wondering if this title can replicate the fun (and maybe the ROI) of Strange Academy?
Fair point. But I don’t see Marvel Voices #1 outpacing the first issue, long-term. For one, the cameo is 1 panel and, secondly, they aren’t in costume.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s neat to have and I have the first print; however, the first issue with their first full appearances and cover supersedes their cameo (imho).
Honestly in this day and age that Marvel Voices will far outpace this book. Much smaller print run. Newer collectors dont seem to care as much to differentiate between 1st cameo and 1st full.
Same here…kinda hoping this new team takes off.
And yeah, I thought the 1:25 was the book to have (more than the Jim Lee hidden gem even). But that was before the secret chase… now I’m not so sure.
Also, this is all before any 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th printing madness…
I heard the hidden is a 1:5 ratio. I don’t think it will be that great because of that. Hopefully I’m wrong, I have 70 on pre-order if that ratio is accurate.
I’ve read a couple different articles that suggested these kids may not be who they appear to be… don’t know if any truth to that. Anybody else hear anything to that effect?
The retailer I spoke with said they got one copy for almost every 5 regulars… so yeah, it’s probably how Diamond ended up packing them… we’ll never know it’s true ratio.
Yeah, I read the same thing–there is a secret they share or something to that effect.
What I found particularly intriguing was reading that the issue had to be re-written and re-drawn (presumably because of the pandemic delay). I wonder where the comic was going before the changes.
Wasn’t it loosely determined the KIB #1 secret cover was about a 1 in 7? Might be similar here. How often did the Wolverine Black, White and Blood “unmasked” covers come up?