Comic Book Sales -> Acorns Investing

Just wanted to share a long time ago during the pandemic, @Anthony got me using Acorns to do micro investing but I did it with a twist, besides the $5 a week contribution, I started depositing all my comic book related sales, profits and revenue into the account.

Anthony shared he was using it way back in 2020…

Anyways, 4 years later and with a huge slowdown of selling comics ( I stopped in late 2021 and early 2022 mostly), making just the weekly $5 contributions since then, I’ve still managed to make 31% more from my investments so far at a whopping $4,294 dollars to date.

Not too shabby if you ask me… Click Here to join if interested! Make your money make more money!

I legit did get you in to it. I love it and still contribute to the stock account for my kids. I roll a portion of sales into a stock account for my kids.

what kind of fees are you seeing?

I think the plan I have is $5 a month… I’d have to check again, it’s pretty limited.

I could create another broker account where I do other stuff but I really liked keeping the comic book money separate in it’s own account.

If you do it in your kids names there are no fees.

Once I lived in a condominium…and during an association meeting a woman proposed that a tree behind her unit should be cut down because an acorn fell and hit her 2 year old daughter and made her cry. She even went as far as bringing her daughter to the meeting. It was the only meeting she ever attended when I lived there. These are real large and tall oak trees…think $1000 to cut it down.

Of course her husband was serving time for some type of fraud…she drove a Mercedes, and had a much younger boy toy as a side thing. And everyone knew this. So kind of hard to take her seriously, or at her word. I believe the official answer was we were ok with it coming down, but since she was the only one to benefit from it (and there wasn’t a true “safety” concern) she had to front the cost.

Sorry for the hi-jack…the acorn made me think of this.

You would have been better off just putting that money into an S&P 500 index fund. The last 5 years growth with the S&P 500 has been over 90%.

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I’m aware… this is just comic book revenue… I’m highly diversified… :wink:

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NVDA alone was like 20% of SP500 growth in the past year or so… I like NVDA, I got in early, they’ve made me a ton of money… :wink:

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I didn’t get on the Nvidia train but I got on the LLY train early, up 136%

Wait, we’re supposed to invest money and not just buy more comics/cards/etc. with the funds? Oh no.

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David, we warned you about putting all your eggs in the same basket…

I know, In actuality my wife handles a lot of our money stuff besides my little portion that I’m in charge of. I don’t plan to retire off comics anytime soon.


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No one going in on crypto? Bitcoin? Feeling like that’s the way to go.

Nah, got an email from a Nigerian prince the other day, only had to send $10K to him to unlock a bank account with millions that he will forward to me any day. Payoff is imminent.

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Crypto is a good way to lose money, I’ll pass.

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