How can Diamond assure retailers they have their shit together when they most definitely do not? At least Diamond has been somewhat honest in saying, “Yeah, we’re a hot mess.”
By having a Plan of Action based on various scenarios … the real question is “How can a company that does half a billion a year in revenue not try and reassure the Retailers that are it’s Customers … ??”
I agree with you 100% they SHOULD have all that and it is embarrassing they don’t.
Come on everybody… let’s sing it together… in the Mickey Mouse tune…
M - I - C … K - E - Y… M O U S E… That’s How Diamond Operates… Yee Haw! Mickey Mouse… Operation… Yee Haw!!
Starring… Steve Geppi as Goofy…
I’ve voiced my complaints about Diamond probably since I first joined in the CHU original site … that does not mean I don’t think they have a place … as I’ve said, they are the lynchpin of this Business currently …
The current scenario simply shows how weak their Leadership is …
I don’t think it’s too much to ask that loyal Retailers that are the lifeblood of this Business be assured that a Plan is in place and what the Plan is … just throw us a small bone … I know of shops that are hanging by a very thin thread right now and might try and weather it out if they had a shred of hope from the monopoly that is Diamond …
Haven’t had a morbid Covid discussion lately so here’s some data to ponder.
I think I posted this link before, comparing Covid19 to other causes of daily deaths this year.
This graph was from Mid April when daily deaths were at their peak. The past week daily deaths have been hovering between 1200 and 2400 (1800 avg).
I had thought a month ago by this point (mid May) we would be seeing 1000 per day trending down, but the reality is we’ve leveled off consistently seeing 25,000 new cases or more every day and consistently seeing 1500 deaths or more every day. Meanwhile every other country that has been hammered is trending down now (except maybe the UK, who has a much higher population density and were a few weeks behind us).
It would not shock me in the least to see this trend continue (level, with no signs of retreat). We’ll see.
But back to the graph, to put it in perspective, since March first we have seen an average of 600 deaths per day, and dividing the total so far (80,000) by a full year we’re currently at 220 deaths per day and climbing.
Basically, we’ve officially past being deadlier than influenza and will pass diabetes soon.
Those are just the facts.
My country, with a population of 38 million (about 1/8 of the American population) has reported 70,000 cases of Covid19 and we have suffered 5,000 deaths.
New Zealand is reporting it has zero new cases per day and S.Korea is reporting less than 10 new cases per day. If the government and people of any particular nation are united in their approach towards curbing this virus, it can successfully be contained.
I said it from the start and continue to believe this…we are such a selfish/“me first”/“muh rights” culture that the deaths of people are far less important than things like haircuts and trips to the store.
I’ve seen absolutely nothing to chance my mind. The simple wearing of a mask is too much for many Americans. The need to argue, or believe in conspiracy theories, or “be right about a statistic” takes precedent over human life.
Simple guidelines to assist in saving lives are ignored or not enforced because of politics.
We literally had a amazing community member and family man gunned down in cold blood because he asked someone to wear a mask??? It took place where I was born and raised.
I just don’t get it our society anymore…
Couldn’t agree with you more.
Here is San Diego, people are crying for the Beaches to be opened. Is that really more important then lives? Then they go downtown and rally for the government to open up the state. No mask or nothing. Downtown San Diego is not the cleanest place but yet people are doing these rallies like crazy.
I just don’t get it…
I say let those go without masks… Darwin themselves out. I’m at the point now where you lose sympathy from me if you get it and die. I just hope you don’t give it to those who are trying to protect themselves from it. It’s just too bad if you protect yourself and someone is careless and infects you with it, they get charged for deadly conduct or something…
I’m not quite getting the number of cases and deaths staying constant when the country has been shut down for 2 months now…how are these people now getting infected?
Is it the state’s that were not as proactive and Waited too long to mandate stay at home orders?
Is it we should have been warring masks 2 months ago instead of mandating it 3 or 4 weeks ago?
Is it the essential employees that can’t properly practice social distance due to their job requirements?
Is it just stupid or unlucky people?
Combinations of the above?
I’m a bit baffled it’s still as bad as it is and deaths not trending down.
Sweden’s approach has saved them from some of the economic sacrices that have been made by most countries in the world, but it has come at a price. Among Nordic countries, which share similar cultural, geographical and sociological attributes, the contrast with Sweden is great. Sweden, by far, has the most deaths per capita among Nordic countries. Sweden has 22 deaths per 100,000 while most other Nordic nations are under 10 deaths per 100,000. If you look at the Czech Republic, which has a similar population as Sweden (10,000,000), they have 2 deaths per 100,000 and the Czechs instituted strict lockdown measures.
Germany, in contrast, is viewed as one of the greater success stories among larger European nations. Although Germany did recently start to ‘open up’ a few days ago by easing restrictions, within a few days of said ‘opening’, Germany’s RO went from 0.7 to 1.1 within a few days, and immediately sounding alarms about a second wave.
America, ignoring safety and logic for a vague concept of liberty!
It’s money and business as much as anything … so what if a few more die … ?? We the Industrial Complex are not making any money … municipalities and States are down on sales Tax revenue … etc … it’s pretty much always about the Benjamins …
Yup and quite honestly, very sad. Economy backed by fiat monetary systems over people, who are truly irreplaceable.