COVID-19 and Comics

Instead of waiting for an offer send a message and make an offer. I’ve gotten so many good deals this way and 95% of the time they’re flexible and it works out.

I have 3 or 4 books I’ve been keeping an eye on, it only cash put aside to buy one. It’s really not much and these aren’t rare books, so 5% doesn’t really get me far. Actually If eBay would have a 10% ebay bucks promotion I might offer something like 95% of asking and see what comes of it.

MCS has some of them too in my price range, but I’d rather wait for someone that might make me an offer who may actually need the cash for the MCS price (plus whatever fees MCs adds on).

gotta be careful with ebay and scammers…theres apparently a ton of people scamming ebay with magic the gathering cards (boxes and singles)…mostly in the form of take money and never ship stuff…pretty sure the same is true for comics as well

it may not be a bad idea to be more cautious when buying stuff from the online comic shops as well…hackers are probably having a field day with people flooding into web sites that never took security seriously before (too small for hackers to care about)…but now…not so much…and they’re likely desperate for money too.

supposedly covid 19 can be transmitted to/from cats (reportedly some tigers/lions in a nyc zoo have it) due to something about having similar cell receptors that the virus latches onto…not a clue as to why this is the case for cats and not dogs,or some other animal…

dunno if rats can get it…but if fleas can carry it then that’d be just as bad (black death…).

You misunderstood me. I meant 95% of the sellers who don’t accept best offers will accept an offer if you send them a message asking. I most of the time offer 65% of what the listed price is and sometimes as low as 50% You would be surprised how many accept.

I just got scammed on ebay (well, at least is certainly is heading in that direction). I’ll certainly get my money back via paypal/ebay protection, but it has been a very, very long time since it has happened to me.

Just a simple plastic BCW comic box? Marked it shipped, no tracking, no responses, generic listing. Didn’t have a ton of feedback (80) but it was 100%. Maybe they are sick with Covid? The fact they marked it shipped and didn’t enter tracking (priority mail) was the kicker. In looking at their feedback, an awful lot of the same people left feedback. I should have noticed that, but really didn’t investigate too much over a $26 comic book box.

It sounds like a recent purchase so I’d give it some time. I’ve had several sellers not use tracking and I’ve always gotten them. Some on books that could’ve been sold for much more at that. Most of the time it’s been Canadian sellers trying to cut costs on shipping out in my experience.

Here is a link to a podcast that I sometimes listen to. The host, and his guests, of the podcast have some insight into the distribution of comics. I found it interesting, given the current state of things.

Well, that was 35 minutes of my life I’ll never get back …

Lol thanks for the warning :wink:

That’s a very articulate opinion/critique. Thanks for sharing. :upside_down_face:

Heaven forbid that you listen and form your own opinion. I myself prefer to have first hand knowledge, rather than make my decisions based on the opinions of others, but, to each their own. :upside_down_face:

Yes, to each his own … there was nothing of any value to me within that podcast … it answered no questions that I heard regarding the current situation and I have personally written much of what it contains in the past within the Diamond Shutdown Thread and others …

Fair enough. No harm, no foul. I found the relatively positive opinions of the guests from the comic industry on where the industry now stands and where it could go post covid19, rather interesting. You get a viewpoint from a publisher, a creator and a former shop keep who is now involved with the Comic Book Defense Fund. I found it to be credible insight into the pandemic and it’s effects on the comic industry.
Cheers, @Uncle_Willie. :beers:

What I’m looking for is Diamond / Geppi to come forth with a substantive plan of action, which will re-assure Shop Owners with shut down orders such as in my State …

Diamond is the lynchpin here … everything else is Talking Heads who like to prognosticate …

Diamond needs a concrete plan of action, transparent and available … and, until State Shut Down orders begin to lift, there won’t be any product, even if there was product, it won’t do any good if a Shut Down is still in place …

The Monopoly Leader Diamond and Mr Geppi need to step up so we know what’s what … right now, I don’t think Diamond has a plan, other than to stop paying Publishers …

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Yeah, that podcast wasn’t going to answer any of your hard questions, @Uncle_Willie, regarding Diamonds future plans. I apologise if I mislead you into thinking that it would answer those questions. But, the one guest on the podcast did mention a few other book distributors that may fill the void if Diamond were to fold. :man_shrugging: I’m not sure there is any podcast that will answer the questions that you have, as a B&M retailer.

Certainly seems like they’re using the current circumstances to their advantage. I’d find it hard to believe they were operating week to week but from the stories in how they operate their business, doesn’t surprise me either.

Maybe Geppi should learn to give himself a specific salary and put more profits back into the business for rainy days (err… weeks/months) like we’re currently in.

No need to apologize … the thing is, I know the shutdown orders and the situation with Diamond is a hinderance to Collectors and Fans … but, shops, even online sellers, are the folks that are taking the real financial hit here …

I think it’s a disgrace to the Industry as a whole that Geppi and his minions have not provided a concrete come back plan … it’s a void in leadership, IMO, since Diamond controls the market … so Business owners that have put their lifeblood into their Business are left in the lurch … while Diamond screams “Cash Flow Problems” and stops paying … in a thinly disguised attempt at getting a handout from Uncle Sugar …

I don’t know how many shops will be left when all the dust settles, but I’d bet it’s going to be less … and, that will effect Diamonds bottom line even further, thus compounding the problem … and also begs for a Plan to be put forth by Mr Geppi …

I’ve conveyed my same thoughts to Diamond, so nothing new there …

In my case, with a shutdown in place, I’m not going to open a new account with anyone until I know what the outlook is … there would just be no point …

Diamonds lack of leadership in this is a disgrace …


You know what I find ironic… Geppi is likely one of those guys that loves capitalism (as do a lot of people and companies) and yet, in these dire situations like we’re in now, why does the government have to keep bailing these companies out with handouts? If capitalism is so great, why so many handouts to keep them going, with our tax dollars? The socialists have to keep bailing these companies out… :wink:

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I guess i have to agree. Im getting more news about Diamond from Indie Publishers then anyone else.


I’m not a huge Diamond fan but to play Devils advocate, how do you plan a comeback when A) you don’t know when it will be
B) you don’t know what supply chains look like afterwards

As a business person I don’t know how you say anything other than “we are putting some ideas together but until we have the OK from the Gov we will not be putting our employees at risk, stay safe”

A good plan of action looks at different scenarios … and is something that would be ready to implement when the time comes … as opposed to flying by the seat of your pants …

As well as giving Retailers some assurance that Diamond has their shit together …