I think this is just Fake News; I’m never going to catch it!
But seriously, I haven’t once seen an explanation for why you’re somehow more likely to die if you catch; just a million articles about how it’s spreading and everyone’s losing their minds. Hanks said it’s just a flu, nothing to be concerned about!
Most of the people who are dying had underlying health issues. If you’re not aware of such underlying issues, sure, it’ll catch you off guard but yeah, if you’re relatively healthy, then you’ll most likely survive. I feel for anyone who dies in general who didn’t necessarily have to die.
I’m not worried myself. Shit, if get it or don’t get it, I’ve had a good run if it takes me out… (that’s me joking about my own death, hope that’s not being irresponsible, poor judgement or insensitive)
Expect more conventions to get canceled though. NYCC is a long way out, hopefully this has all sweeped over by then cause I still plan on going to NYCC.
Just so people know… 126,300 confirmed cases of coronavirus. 4,633 deaths so far. That’s roughly 3.6% who have died. I think over 3,000 or so were all in China and now they’re seeing their death rates plunge in the past few weeks.
So yeah, no reason to panic. Take care of yourself. Wash your hands, limit touching things and your face if you have touched things in public, etc. It’s all common sense measures to prevent yourself from getting sick.
The issue with this Covid19 is that it is highly communicable. That is the reason for concern, not because it won’t kill you. It will have a higher death rate among the infirm and elderly, and children are apparently not seeing such adverse affects from the virus. The Covid19 death rate is approx 3%-4%, influenza has a death rate of .1%. That makes Covid19 30x-40x more likely to kill you than influenza. In other terms, Covid19 kills 1 in 25, influenza kills 1 in 1000. Covid19 is not your common flu, and is more closely related to SARS than the common flu. So, it won’t necessarily kill you, but we, as a society, need to get the thing under wraps because it is so highly communicable w/ a moderate death rate. Covid19 is a good example of why vaccines are so important to society, and how vaccines are oh so benefial and necessary to society, by giving us the ability to practically eradicate a deadly, communicable virus.
Financially, I am seeing slowed sales on my eBay listings, but I didn’t notice any difference at the shops today, but this is going to hurt a lot of pockets. Italys government has suspended all mortgage payments in the country in order to help people get by. That’s crazy.
I haven’t confirmed this, but I heard there are medical clinics in North America that are offering $10,000 USD for you to volunteer to be infected with Covid19 so they can study you/it. I heard it was for 2 week trials. Any takers?
To put it into perspective, the flu has killed 10,000 people in the US…So if the same number of people contracted C19, which basically given how it spreads and lies initially dormant for so long isn’t that far fetched, then you’re looking at 100,000+ deaths in the US. These things always have a bell curved shape to them and we haven’t hit the peak yet…
That’s a number that is likely being thrown around DC which has lead to taking drastic measures earlier to get to the other side of the bell curve faster with less deaths and faster recovery. Italy and China did not get out ahead of it effectively and the curve kept a ascending…China may just be staring to get over the hump. How many Months was that?
Seriously though… you look at their URL’s and they’re still using flat html files and cgi… I don’t care if they have SSL certificate, they’re crud is outdated and problematic. It’s so old, it’s now secure again cause all the newbie hackers don’t even know what frontpage and cgi is…
I’m 75, so, you bet, I’m concerned … do I have a few health issues … ?? It’s rare you reach that age without …
I don’t trust the Chinese Government and I really don’t trust ours, either …
I would suggest that folks simply be prepared … there is a wave criss-crossing the Country right now and it’s evidenced all around us … Panic can be as devastating as anything …
Comic shops are a minor slice of the overall … Shop owners should do whatever is necessary to protect themselves, their families and their employees and customers …
Yup, take care of yourself with common sense tactics. That goes for everyone. I’m big on washing my hands already, probably a reason I rarely get a cold. It’s only this past year I got sick bad twice… which is rare for me.
With peoples fears of going out starting to escalate, I would not be surprised to see more online shopping being done. In a week we have went from 1-5 case to over 100 with 400+ more being quarantined in my state. Schools being shut down abruptly and conventions being canceled. This will def impact alot of small businesses who rely on the foot traffic.
Diamond retailer summit has been canceled. As it was connected to Megacon in Florida I am waiting to hear that Megacon canceled as well. ACE comic con was canceled as well, yet NE Comiccon dosnt seem to care about people getting infected, just wash your hands … you will be fine in a room crowded with people.
Just another reason to have a pull list with your local comic shop! I’ll pick up that Nightwing 70 in about 4 weeks after it’s quarantined for a while…
I knocked out Disney+ within the 7 day Free Trial period … I’ve seen or own all the Marvel and Star Wars movies, all that grabbed me was “Mandalorian”, and it was great …
I suppose if you have kids at home still, it might be worthwhile …
Me, I’ll wait till they get more content that appeals to me …