Creating Topics and Categories


Seems the forums are attracting more traffic, new topics are being created, etc. That’s awesome.

It also seems most are creating topics without a category or with subjects that are a little more descriptive. Both of these are vital to the success of the forums.

So if you’re creating a new topic, try to fit it into the most relevant category and please create a subject for the topic that allows users an idea of what it’s about.



Apparently this seems to be an issue, which I find hard to believe.

Maybe we should do some examples of Bad Topics and Good Topics. Just to clear the notion that a moderator of a forum who edits your title is not being unfair or doing you a disservice. It’s quite the opposite. A bad title leads people blindly into a topic they might have zero interest in.

Examples of bad topics:

go buy this comic now

Why is this bad? Well, there are literally thousands of comics. Which one you talking about?


What’s awesome? There are lots of awesome things in the world.

Examples of turning those bad topics into more descriptive topics so users know what the topic is about:

go buy Legends of the Dark Knights #1 now… First Full of Robin King

So instead of users guessing what book they’re being told to go buy, now they know it’s about a particular book.

Robin King is Awesome

So this narrows down what you think is awesome to Robin King. I can expect we’ll be talking about Robin King in this topic…

Everyone got it? Is that crystal clear? If you get offended because a moderator or admin updates your category or edits your vague titles, then, you really need to get some help cause there’s more things to worry about in life than what’s already been posted in our community guidelines and rules.

If you got any questions, talk to @Anthony, he signed off on the rules. Don’t hate the admin or moderator who enforces them when that time comes.