DC Comics Implosion, Shakeups, & Firings

I too am a 90 Day Fiance fan. Well, fan may be a bit strong of a word, but if it’s on live TV I can’t turn away.

CC: @davidbitterbaum


90 day fiance? Sounds like a show on WE TV… I don’t even want to know what it actually is, sounds like a good way to lose brain cells.

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There are certain shows out there that you just want to turn on and completely unplug from the world. For me, this is one of them. Doesn’t require much thinking at all.

When I unplug from the world, I go on a hike… or read a book. :wink:

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90 Day Fiance is a trainwreck that you cant stop watching and rooting for some of the people to succeed :rofl: Others are such a terrible match you cant believe its happening. Perfect opportunity to turn your brain off and unwind.


Sounds awful… I’d rather spend my time truly unplugged by not watching anything at all.

OMG my wife and I just started watching this series and all the spinoffs lol its awesome

There’s a great marketing opportunity for Dogfish Head beer here: the 60 day fiancé, the 90 day fiancé, and the 120 day fiancé.

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All the 90 Day Fiance shows are on TLC or exclusive to Discovery+. One show I like on WETV though is the Mama June one. It followed her from fat, to thin, to drug-addicted, to now clean and sober!

I’m glad everyone else here loves 90 Day Fiance. Is it wrong if I think we should have a topic dedicated to discussing it?

Sounds awful… maybe there are dedicated forums to discussing this show… :thinking:

Talk about the one person in the world who should not be on TV.

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I may or may not be in Reddit groups that discuss reality shows I like including but not limited to Love Island, Big Brother, and more.

I just find it sad that the Discovery channel use to be more dedicated to real life nature, animals and such… now it seems like it’s turning into trash reality TV. Kind of like MTV, there’s nothing Music related about MTV, why do they continue to call it Music Television is beyond me… It’s just shows about underage girls getting knocked up… so people can watch and laugh at them… what’s the world coming to? Maybe I’m just mad cause I have zero time to watch TV and @Anthony doesn’t allow it anyways as I’m chained to the wall with just my bucket… :wink:

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I guess Discovery is moving towards making The Bad Touch by the Bloodhound Gang reality…TV.

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There is educational stuff on Discovery+ too if you want it. I mainly like the trash.

Heh… I want nothing but meaningful stuff though… like educational… I know, I’m boring. I dislike trash tv, I’m boring and hate fake drama (reality tv fake drama that is). :wink: