DC Future State Spec

Damn…just sold my copy for $18.

But Have no fear. Ordered two more at cover with the revenue…

Shouldn’t that be titled Wonder “Women?”

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surprised 1 per store doesn’t have more heat, its 1st cover app for most of new characters

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I thought they were free and plentiful. Where did you see 1 per store? Would be off for a preview/free book to only be one per store. Midtown was giving them away 1 per purchase. :man_shrugging:

1 per store has dark border instead of light blue.

Ok, so exact same book/cover art except one has a darker border? Aren’t there still like 1000s of stores. I dont know, I dont see the spec value at $30+/ book. :man_shrugging:

I can also see some sellers adjusting the color of the picture to make their book appear to be the 1 per store.

Here’s why I don’t think this has any heat yet:

  1. It’s DC
  2. None of these characters have gained any popularity yet organically
  3. It’s DC
  4. Never overspend on the 1 per store
  5. It’s DC
  6. This is an experiment by DC which will more than likely fail before it succeeds.

lol yea dc spec is very unreliable

They don’t have Heat because you can find both books online to read And Its a load of crap from DC as usual, these clowns cant do anything right. They drop two books today and Both are worth square shit, sorry for anyone that dropped money on these books on ebay, the wonder woman is garbage CW crap. They had one job, name Batman, and they couldnt do that in either book.

Also, they put zero effort into the 1 per store… why would anyone pay :moneybag: :moneybag: :moneybag: for a book with just a border change when they can get the issue for free is beyond me…

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Also, I have seen many stores selling multiple copies of "1 per store " books in the past. Doubt this issue will be any different.

Retailers who have multiple stores (or multiple addresses) get one per store (address) to my knowledge…

Its common stores have more than one “account” this is how they get multiple copies, this is very common, one per store is bullshit


Why would they name the Batman (pretty much the biggest thing that will come out of this event) in a free book, when they can build a bit of suspense in a few issues and make some sales off the big reveal? You don’t give away your one big moment for free. I don’t think we will get his name until issue 3/4 of the mini.

Don’t think that’s necessarily true, at least it’s not common. The 1 per store is for actual stores. Retailers normally have 1 diamond account but have multiple addresses/locations. For example, Midtown has what, 5 total shops (they likely have comics ship to their warehouse for online sales) so they get 5 copies, since it’s “1 per store”…

See thats how DC thinks, us consumer are to smart for that, instead we say, kiss my ass, go ■■■■ yourself, no name, no buy, now watch your number 1 issue and all your other issues Tumble down. How many people have gotten fired at DC this year? Hope they are enjoying the holidays. Point is dont ■■■■ with the Fan Boys, we run this shit. Dont ever try and teach me about business school boy. DC can ■■■■ off

Now Future State is possible Futures of DC what a crock $7 what if? Books lol


Hangry? Maybe you should get a snickers or something…


My shop hadn’t ordered any and they were confused because they hadn’t heard of this book (the free one). Oh well.