Deadpool 3

I enjoy some of her songs. A cameo would be funny.

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I bet most footage they need from dazzlers character would be during a stadium concert. Theyā€™ll bring the filming to Taylor while sheā€™s on tour. You couldnā€™t ask for a better film shoot scenario.

I am not a fan of her music, not my bag, but certainly. It against her as a person or making a cameo in the movie.

But thereā€™s no way they could keep something like that under wraps without us knowing about it.

Sure they could, just have a ton of rumors floating around about it and folks wonā€™t know what is true or not! Itā€™s already working!


Oh boyā€¦

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saw that yesterday, dont really care

kind of burned out on whose appearing and whose not


It needs to be posted. Have to give CHU members the heads up on not burning money paying $2k+ for a cgc copy of xmen 130 based on pure speculation.


Nobody should have been buying the book in the first place on that bogus rumorā€¦


I may have mentioned this before. When I decided to get back into collecting comics about the 2017-2018 time frame, it around the time that rumors were speculating on Deadpool 2. I have may the time frame a bit off.

I was hook, line, and sinker a FOMO fellow when I started up again. Chomping at the bit to buy up stuff that was supposedly ā€œhotā€. The book I was immediately burned on was New Mutants #8 (1st Surge because of rumors about Deadpool 2). Hard lesson learned but so be it.

Iā€™m pretty sure I paid like $50 for that comic back then. I bet I have since found 5 copies in bins for under $5 (and Iā€™ve still passed on them).

Live and learn but Iā€™m sure not buying in on this stuff anymore with the exception of finding it cheap for an easy flip to others that need to learn the hard lesson :slight_smile:


FOMO is a real disease and I"m at the point now I just say let people fail, itā€™s the only way theyā€™ll learn and hopefully it leads to success. Sadly some will never learn though while failing and spending a lot of money for nothingā€¦


I donā€™t get it. Why do people feel the need to buy a comic because some obscure character will be in a show/movie? Taylor Swift has her fans and Dazzler is a higher level character than say Ouroboros, but I just donā€™t get it. Major characters, OK. I can see why someone would want that. But all the minor minor characters that may be in one movie or one or two episodes of a show and then never again, why???! Just sheep following apps and YouTube, I guess.


Because if you can find it cheap you can sell it to people who are willing to pay market price for some obscure character appearing in a movie for 2 seconds


Yeah, but why do those people feel the need? How is the first appearance of the Aolith from Loki season 1 holding up? Or Bombshell from Hawkeye? I guess enough people have to get burned chasing stuff like that before they stop buying.

Iā€™ll play devilā€™s advocate here. I see the draw of Dazzler. Her first appearance is a great cover from a book from 1980. So, itā€™s old-ish. Harder to find clean copies. In 2023, that type of character plays well, because so much of pop culture/entertainment centers around diva singers. Masked Singer, The Voice, etc. Taylor Swift is the biggest pop icon since Madonna.

I think the MCU could easily make this a bigger character than what sheā€™s been in comics. Are people overpaying right now? Probably, but that happens with everything when itā€™s hot. Iā€™m in on Dazzler (saying this all from the perspective of someone who does not have a copy of her first app).

I love Dazzler. I have a 9.8 X-Men #130 I bought years ago. Im a big spender but even I wouldnt pay anywhere near what people are paying for that book.

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FOMO. Simple as that. People will buy books because they are getting hot and never look back. They have more of a hoarding mentality.

When I was young, I tried to get all the books on the wizards Hot 10 list. I realized how stupid this was but was able to sell what people were looking for as opposed to buying what is hot.