Death Metal Guide book spoilers You Need To See This

It seems that you are the go to guy for knowledge on these 1st appearances of characters because yr obviously a Batman fan, do you know if these are 1st appearances in this book as everyone else seems to be saying there are.

From what I can tell after reading all the death metal books in order. Is BatMage appears in full in Death Metal #1, Bathomet is a cameo in Death Metal #1 borderline full appearance 3 panels 2 faces shown fully appears in guidebook, Harleys new Hyena also appears first in Death Metal #1 or 2, Darkseid Batman Death Metal #3 in full, one panel cameo in Death Metal #1, The new Luthor character isn’t just Luthor so one panel cameo Death Metal #3 full appearance here in guidebook like 9 panels. Dr Arkham the vampire Batman one panel cameos in Death Metal #1 appears here in guidebook in a few panels and has a backstory and named so probably first full in guidebook, The Firefly Batman appears here first, the Hawkman Batman appears here first, the yellow lantern Batman appears here first one panel cameo. The red Batman Beyond appears here first in guidebook 3 panels borderline cameo or full appearance.

And we see how BWL gets his crown not Robin King lol

The guidebook should of been the first Death Metal book because it explains what the hell was going on before Death Metal #1. Have you read the guidebook first you wouldn’t feel like you’re thrown into some hodgepodge of comical insanity with chainsaws and monster trucks , different earths, and different timelines when you read Death Metal #1.

Reminds me of ManBearPig


Red Batman Beyond was seen in Death Metal 1 & 2, and I believe killed in Death Metal 2 by Batmanhattan
 I’ll have to re-read.

Also, I am by no means an expert I am just stating that the characters seen in the images in the opening post I recognize from previous readings. Cameos at least, perhaps not first fulls.

Is this a pick up?

Ok I see him in DM#2 a couple panes in the background before the whole will you be my Robin King part he doesn’t kill him or interact in anyway.

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So that would be a cameo and the guidebook will be a full first.

Or they are both cameos. The best part of this book is the first full appearance of Watcher Luthor if you don’t think that has any spec value it’s just Lex Luthor you probably don’t want this book. If you’re following the Death Metal story than it’s a must.

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Is it me or if your story needs a guidebook, that just tells me your story telling writing isn’t any good or you need to just make it one big graphic novel that explains everything in better details from beginning to end and do away with the 6 issue mini-series?


Definitely been following the story. I believe the last time we saw Luthor was when Perteptua cast him back down to Earth after stripping him of his Apex Lex powers at the end of Hell Arisen 4.

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