Diamond Comics Filing Chapter 11

has dynamite said anything yet ?
i cant se lunar or penguin wanted to handle 20+ cover per issue

IDW has been having issues for a while now. Losing properties and now this.


Yes that is now, PRH is only in the game recently with comics. Diamond has been letting people debts pile up for years and buy stuff on credit and now someone is going to have to pay up.


And Diamond got books to stores before Wednesday…something’s gotta give!!!

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Who has been buying on credit and not paying up? Retailers? That’s on Diamond if they let a failing shop run on debt without a tight leash.

Reality is, Diamond’s service sucked. It was so bad it forced a new distributor to emerge and an existing one to add periodicals. Within no time, the new players far surpassed Diamond’s capabilities despite their decades of experience.

Diamond failed due to its own incompetence. 98% of comic book volume has improved as a result of their decline. We might see a tiny percentage go down with them (micro publishers). They’ll have to go D2C and/or Kickstarter. Overall, the retailer experience and financial bottom line improves not having to deal with Diamond. That will get passed onto customers.

Diamond is going after accounts with unpaid balances. Seems they want any money they can get now…

I bet they do. Some, like Frankie’s Comics, owe them a ton. I had the Diamond “deadbeat list” at one point. It was fantastic.

Frankies went through bankruptcy, so they owe next to nothing now…unfortunately

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But they owed, until the debt was written off.

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Like a bad disease, they will be back

yep, new name, same crap

I thought it depends on the type of bankruptcy. In most cases it’s a reprieve to allow them to recover and after X amount of time or when the bankruptcy period ends, debtors who were not paid can start asking for their money again.

But think about who they owe money to. Most will be publishers and stores who will not want to deal with them again

They just need to change the sign above the door to fool everyone.

“We’re not Comic Mint….we’re Mint Comics!”

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Speaking of store variant shops, and maybe a retailer can help me here, but aren’t store variants distributed to the retailer through Diamond. I know a lot of places (back in the day when I did some site variants) wanted me to be a Diamond Account holder and I thought shipped the store variants through Diamond. Can anyone confirm or deny? I am curious if this will effect the store variants stores from getting their variants sent to them if Diamond goes belly up.

That would be awesome is the store exclusive sickness was cured by diamond going under.

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No. Except for the publishers stuck at Diamond.

Massive just announced the move to Lunar…

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I think there will be many more too.