Stray Dogs, Beneath the Tree, Billion Genies, etc…those are books that had good enough stories that their first series are worth waiting out for the inevitable movie or series. Art isn’t necessarily what spiked those books.
Right now I feel like it’s all art here. Not sure that on its own will sustain interest…at least for the open order books. I can see all the retailer variants dropping back to $20 in a year. Anything above $25 seems to be a huge gamble at this point.
The option news was before the release of Stray Dogs. Word-of-mouth about the story well after the first issue drove up the hype. The mark spears books are not hyped because of the story.
Yeah. Absolute Batman, Ultimate Spider-Man, now this book…no matter how much these are advertised at FOC,
The general population seems to be caught off guard. This was never a spoiler cover…as it was know pre-FOC.
But first cover + 1st in cameo wins above all 99% of the time.