Disney+ Speculation History




We’re considering this news now? A celebrity saying they want to play a random character? Not saying this is any kind of shade at you @monopolyjackson, just the press outlets that cover this kind of stuff.

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The scooper MyTimeToShine is legit. Gave lots of real scoops. The original rumour of Taylor Swift playing the Blond Phantom was posted by DanielRPK who is also a legit scooper, that’s why it made the headlines in all the major news sites.

Sweeney can double up as Blonde and Power Girl.

I’d be ok with that.


At this point it is that Blonde Phantom is getting press which is always good if people got her She-Hulk appearance on the cheap. It will be worth more if Swift is playing the role but will go up nonetheless if the character sees screen time. Hopefully the comic will get a big boost and spike and I can sell the ones I picked up last week.