Donny Cates going bonkers

Oh, I’ve wanted Venom to be the villain in general… even before Cates took him over…

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Except there definitely are conventions which make good writing. I talk a lot about earning the suspension of your readers’ disbelief. If you just do a bunch of stuff without giving some sort of in-world explanation, people are going to start disliking your writing. They may not be able to articulate why, but the underlying reason will be that what you wrote didn’t make sense within the framework of your narrative. I mean sure, there are surreal and absurd narratives like the ending to Steel Magnolias, things like that, but in most cases we have to admit that is not what people are signing up for. For most people, in most cases, they are signing up for a story with a beginning, middle, and end with conflicts and resolutions that are built out of the motivations of the antagonist and protagonists. If you don’t set those things up and earn the pay offs, people start tuning out.

What happened at the end of Steel Magnolias? I’ve never seen that movie nor do I think I have any desire to even watch it.

There are better figures. They all cost $300,000 each, though. McFarlane is pumping out some incredible stuff while staying within a marketable price range. I can’t stand the import queens who poo poo all the figures below $30.

Well, first of all, I messed up and mixed up Magnolia (the film I mean to reference) and Steel Magnolias (what looks like an inspirational puff film for aging women).

Second, it’s a rain of frogs.

The director, in one of his interviews, states this – “ So I just starting writing it into the script. It wasn’t until after I got through with the writing that I began to discover what it might mean, which was this: You get to a point in your life, and shit is happening, and everything’s out of your control, and suddenly, a rain of frogs just makes sense ”. Whether you like it or not, the apex of this movie is the rain of frogs as all the events reach their climax at that moment.

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Oh man, you got the movies confused… you just lost all credibility now… :crazy_face:

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Magnolia was a good movie.

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But I’m a man and I’m just going to leave that mistake be. Just sit in it and plot my revenge.

Cates can sell ice to an Eskimo. And in doing so gives us the opportunity to make money. Do I feel he is a hit like Charlie from Always Sunny? Damn right he is. Literally everything he touches is omg your gonna have your minds blown by how amazing this is. It gets tiresome after awhile. God Country was his best work in my opinion. I do enjoy Thor, but it’s getting a little slow. Thanos Wins is my second favorite by him, but I’m a Thanos whore anyways

I’m notifying your wife, she’ll make sure this issue is fixed… :wink:

I thought Magnolia was a great movie with a ton of talented actors.

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Agreed. I’m saying that the absurd ending was the point. It works in that type of film because all the interactions are completely far-fetched and unlikely. It was building to that from the beginning.

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McFarlane is one of the biggest a holes ive ever met.

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The AV Club broke down the best and worst plots in, “Magnolia,” before. Good stuff.



All the PREDATOR stuff … including Predator Month… cancelled…
Here is more data to say it is PREDATOR…


oh and ED BRISSON is pushing his books coming out and it does say PREDATOR in his info. but no PUSH… gotta BE PREDATOR…

I’m still not buying Predator even if Stan Lee wrote it himself in blood


King never invented a character that sells for 350 to 400 a pop for 9.8 though. I give credit for Tynion creating a char whose book has only gone up in price based on comic hype alone. Punchline is really the best type of spec hype, one driven by her own popularity more so than the possibility that she is gonna show up in a movie. I know WB got the rights to use her down the road, but I’ll be surprised if she shows up on screen any time soon. Shit I’d love to be wrong on that for obvious reasons. We may never get another Hell Arisen 3 again, it was the perfect storm. Shops didn’t realize until post FOC that she was showing up first full in Hell Arisen, couldn’t attain supply to meet the demand, only a 35k print run total which is tiny by today’s standards and most of the run was cut with a dull knife so lots of corner damage on most. What a fun time that week was!

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A 35k print run is average. A tiny print run would be a few thousand tops in today’s market.


Hey not sure I’m following… you’re saying you think they took Predator from Brisson and gave it to Cates, thus the delay? And that he’s hyping a book that won’t release till November?

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