One other thing, if you are getting your spec info from hot lists, you are doing this wrong and way too late.
So anyone watching his hot lists should take it for what it’s worth.
One other thing, if you are getting your spec info from hot lists, you are doing this wrong and way too late.
So anyone watching his hot lists should take it for what it’s worth.
I’m personally a huge fan of Ms Marvel Kamala Khan. I’ve only read the first volume or two but they were great and I also remember loving the artist as well. I remember some kinda bird villain that stuck with me.
I definitely don’t think she’s overrated and hope that book skyrockets which it is. I’ve got mine listed because it’s to much money to pass up.
Don’t know who the guy is but sounds like he pulled a boner.
KK is under rated, considering she has already been announced for disney+ and mcu, not to mention she’s the lead in new marvel video game her books are under valued. with she will be introduced in CM 2, than he disney + series, and that will be the beginning of the champions
I’ll take Kamala Khan over Spider-Gwen… Gwen Stacy should stay dead…
I think X23 and Gabby have the most potential out of the new generation of Marvel girl characters. Disney+ hasn’t given me any Marvel show I’ve been subscribed since day one. I think being a Marvel show is not a good thing after how boring Runaways, cloak and Dagger, Inhumuns, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. became.
I’ve gotten my money’s worth from the 12 year old who’s watched Lion King at least 64 times I think…
By the time Disney+ has Marvel shows we will have to pay an additional $30 to view the show as exclusive content for a 24hr rental like they are releasing Mulan. Will have to watch the whole season before the rental timer is up Or just kodi
Or just be patient and wait…
And honestly, $30 for a movie that my whole family can watch is way cheaper than paying for the 4 of us to see it at the theater…
The shows will part of their regular cost just like Mandalorian was.
No! Gwen Stacy should be reborn and killed in a different way monthly. She’s a mutant now.
She can get stuck in the same day she dies like in Ground Hog Day or Edge After Tomorrow…
I love Kamala Khan and I have been reading every issue of her recent volume, lol. I was on hiatus from collecting when she first came into comics, so I don’t have her first app but I enjoy the character. Kudos to all the others here who share the sentiment!
Edge of Tomorrow is a Fantastic movie that I’ve seen hundreds of times.
Yeah, I actually like it as well. Plus it doesn’t hurt Emily Blunt’s in it… sssshhhh… don’t tell the wife…
Sweet do it… but only if you can land me a date with Emily Blunt… I suppose John Krasinski can tag along as well…
Just googled Emily blunt. You can do better, and I don’t know what you look like…
Heh… Well, I do admit I’m holding out for Scarlet Johansson… I’ve already told the wife if she even showed slight interest I already have the divorce papers ready.
Also he’s been caught selling those books on eBay instead of sending them in the mystery boxes. I have no idea why people still give him money or attention.