You can see what he looks like when he does the “Anthony’s pickups” videos…
Man, I wish. That guy is way better looking than me…
Haha, are you implying AgentPoyo is Anthony?
Or is Anthony AgentPoyo? lol I’m just saying - it would clear things up if you both showed up in one of those videos…
Did anyone call him out on it? Did this pop up in comments on one of his videos?
more like this
Please dont share pics of yourself… Nobody wants to see that.
Can’t be in same video… We’re thousands of miles away…
Or are you?
I read all Poyo’s comments in a Tom Ellis accent.
@Alana I bought but did not read. Mainly Multiple copies of those 2nd and 3rd prints.
I did buy Vol. 1 & 2 of her OMNIBUSES, Need to buy vol. 3.
I am not so much buying single comics as much anymore, but in 4s, DC Classics, reprints… also some others not many… I picked up like 25 Strange Academys on Pre-Orders… those are stashed away. Pretty much got every CAptain Marvel title… loved her EMPYRE cover by Daniels… Reading Avengers right now, the one with the MOON KNIGHT arc happening. Looking at Different Moon Knight Keys…
I am picking up trades and Street Fighters hardbacks too… I’ll take a picture of my SF collection soon…
Looking for Annihilation Conquest OMNIBUS… what else?
I don’t normally do YouTube channels on comics but I do love TonyFett’s since I once partook in his YT series. ->>
Not sure exactly, as I wasn’t aware of who he was at the time so I didn’t do a lot of digging. It happened early last year. This super annoying video eventually gets to some of the evidence (starts at about 5 minutes in):
I think most of the time comments are made on his videos or instagram posts he deletes them.
Hmm… no. Looks like a shaved yeti
We were both at the NYCC readers get together. We have been spotted numerous times at the same events.
You weren’t kidding when you said super annoying. Ha. It was hard follow too as a lot of hard to see blurry partial book pics. Especially of highly printed books like ASM 365 and 379 that quite possible working with a shop he could have many copies.
What exactly is the story here? People donated books to raise money for the shop (Mill Geek which he does the mail boxes with) or the YouTube channel? It’s not exactly clear why people were donating him books although i did skip some of the video so maybe I missed it.
If people were donating books that were to be sold as part of the mystery mail boxes (which are sold and not free) to raise money for Tom/Store, and he just chose another method to sell them (ebay) I don’t have too much of a problem as they were donated to him to be sold either way. While you should probably disclose how you are selling them, but if they are sent to him to sell And he sells them as expected I don’t see an issue.
If people were donating to him, and the books were supposed to be redistributed for free to people as donations, and he’s selling them for himself, then that’s really shitty and definitely deserves to be called out on. Big difference.
They just notice @Anthony cause well, I’m just the guy carrying his shit around… I’ve been hinting for years I work under a lot of stress, some would even call it against my will… someone, please… HELP ME!
This photo, of the rare shaved Yeti, was taken in Southern California during 2018. Texas’ border is close to SoCal. This must be Poyo then.
I finally watched one of his videos on YouTube. I really can’t stand his voice or “fake” enthusiasm.
Well, not really that close… What’s hilarious is when I tell people if I’m to drive to San Diego from Central Texas, the halfway point is El Paso… yes, half of the trip is just getting out of Texas.
Jimcomucs gets nothing from key collector