Dr Strange 2 Trailer

Blade or Mordo can’t really tell.

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Digging out my America Chavez Keys and Illuminati Key.

All this and Alana confirming that Patrick Stewart is playing a variant of Blade?!? It just gets better and better!

That could be doctor doom seated in the same picture those robots could of been doom bots :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’m just going to call them Mephisto bots.

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Professor X is in the Illuminati…


A New Avengers 7 search of my email shows I’ve bought 5 copies since 2020 most right around that quick specs. Think I would also have another 2-3 from before that.

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Oh wow I didn’t see Captain Carter’s shield.

Its on the poster.

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Wanda has been a villain in every MCU appearance but Endgame. Midcredits scene Winter Soldier, Age Of Ultron, Civil War she kills Crossbones and 26 civilians, Infinity War kills Vision, Wanda/Vision, What If? as a zombie, and now Dr Strange 2.

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Heart-shaped glowy thing on the chest. I mean, doesn’t that have to be Ironheart?

Was that Nova crashing through towards evil Wanda? Some are saying Riri but I see a male and 3 blurry circles can resemble a heart… totally looked like Nova!

That’s Cumberbatch, not Nightmare. Evil Supreme Strange is my guess.



Looks like the Necromancer.

It’s Monica


I got a little closer. Looks like Nova to me. Very grainy but look around the eyes- looks like part of the nova Corp mask. Also looks like a navy blue ‘vest’ with gold sleeves; just reminds me of the Nova costume.

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