eBay Headaches

In the span of one day, Hotshot Comics order status went from:

“CGC does not provide updates or ETA’s, we ship as they arrive. You will be notified via email when the items return from grading.”


Items have shipped with USPS tracking number and expected delivery in 4 days.

So their initial response and entire handling of this situation was basically BS. Yeah, screw Hotshot/Asheville Comics.

They are gaming the feedback system on eBay with their presale business model. They are liars, and they are @$$holes.

Felt it was necessary to follow up on the situation one last time. Hopefully the tracking is legit and not just a move to cover their ass on eBay.

Will you get your slabs from them? Most likely - yes. But if you happen to be one of the unlucky ones that has to deal with their BS, by the time you come to this realization, you will no longer have the ability to leave them the feedback on eBay that they deserve.

Unless you happen to have another, more recent open order with their store - which in this case, I did. :slightly_smiling_face:


I didn’t know they were the same Hotshots/Ashville Comics. I ordered a few graded comics from Hotshot with no problems besides taken a long time. I send my own comics now to get graded. Because I did order from a guy who had his account closed down because of selling pre-order graded comics. He had 100% feedback and good prices. I had ordered from him once with no problems. He said eBay shut him down because of pre-order policy. After that I felt uneasy about repeating that again.

I just received my order of Darth Vader #6 slabs from them. Excellent shipping, no damage.

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Ok. Confession time. I am a shitty seller. I sold a book on Mercari I had crossed posted on eBay as well. I usually take down books I cross post and missed this one. Just had to cancel an order and refund as a result.

Feel free to bash away as my penance.

These are some of my eBay headaches. Exhibit #1.
Are you trying to show me page quality or the powder on your fingers!?

Thats turrible… Just turrible. I’d straight up resign for such things but these chains…

I had eBay take away my selling privileges at one point years ago for canceling a few orders. Literally a few dollar book sales that I absolutely couldn’t find. Weren’t hot or key in any way either. Just someone filling holes in their collection. Please someone go there. I ended up finding them in a box of bags and boards that I had put together into a long box along with top loaders of different varieties. I wasn’t actively collecting at the time so I knew they weren’t in that long box of supplies. I ended up sending those to the buyers free of charge. So mistakes happen. Just don’t let it happen again.

While I doubt this is the case they are correct about CGC not providing updates. You can check your status but it goes from received -> scheduled for grading -> grading -> shipped and finalized. Once it’s shipped and finalized you can see the tracking number and all the grades.

It is possible when they sent you the first reply they didn’t have that info and it changed the next…

They are also a CGC dealer which I am not so they may actually get better access to their orders status but you normally only get an estimated amount of days to complete.

Mistakes do happen I was being quick when listing a Wolverine Jason Aaron Omnibus and I reused someone else’s listing. The version I reused was a signed copy and mine wasn’t. Once it sold and I was packing it I noticed the mistake and immediately contacted the buyer. Luckily they were cool, they asked for an extra $10 off and I was happy to do it.

I always own my mistakes. I once sent the wrong comic to a buyer. He was cool when I asked if I could send him a label to slap on it to send to correct buyer (after asking the other person if it was okay since I’d be sharing their address, they said thats funny and was also cool about it). For his efforts and hassle, he got the correct comic shipped completely free of charge.


I have never had to cancel an order that wasn’t asked foe by the buyer. Ironically, this same book was canceled by a previous buyer. So the book sold. He asked to cancel. I canceled and delisted. It sold on Mercari. I shipped it and forgot to cancel the eBay listing.

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He wants to make sure you catch it on videocassette.

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I don’t doubt what you’ve said. Entirely possible.

I’m thinking they just had to be a little less lazy and a little more friendly with their customer. That’s really all it took but they couldn’t afford me either.

I mean here I am waiting for a response from them, it’s been two and a half days, nothing in my inbox on eBay, no response to my DM sent on IG, and what do I find? That the person running their twitter account has all the time in the world to engage in political discourse with people on twitter that have views opposite of his own. What a waste of time.

Sure, maybe it’s not the same person that runs their IG account and not the same person that runs their eBay show but c’mon man … it’s a terrible look and makes that whole “we’re a busy shop” excuse lose alot of weight imo.

Anyways… Be nice to your customers. And understand if they get irked after days of waiting for a response while you’re busy on Twitter talking about nonsense such as Donald Trump’s balls.

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There’s no excuse for their lack of communication. This has nothing to do with CGC and everything to do with their awful customer service.

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Are you talking about cgc doing this? For real, one of the reasons I do not want political discussions is they often break down into arguments and senseless name calling. The other reason is o don’t want people to feel alienated if they have a different view point than me or anyone else on here.


I was talking about Hotshot comics/Asheville comics doing it.

Yeah, I suppose my comment could lead into a downward spiral. Wasn’t my intent.

For the record, who they were talking about on twitter didn’t matter to me. Could’ve been Biden for all I care.

Point was that they could’ve spent that time on customer service rather than wasting it discussing politics on twitter. The tweet I shared was just one example of many.

O. I didn’t mean your comment was going to lead to name calling and bashing. Just saying why in general I have a no politics rule when it comes to the sites.


Yeah, it’s pretty said if you try and come up with excuses on your lousy customer service while apparently spending time talking nonsense on twitter…

And why chase off half your potential customer base with politics. That’s why I keep my mouth shut about it.

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Well, that’s what you use your personal twitter for if you feel the need, not your business. I don’t care if you’re conservative, liberal, hippie, left, right, purple, orange… best to stay neutral when it comes to your business if you cater to the public I say…