eBay Headaches

I didn’t cancel it. I am giving him a chance but don’t make an offer and not pay for it. Just bad form.

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The 1st paragraph might be true.
The 2nd paragraph with the ALZ is not true

Nothing personal. Just business.


Don’t buy something on eBay if you aren’t going to pay right away. Simple as that.

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People drag the personal side for sympathy and empathy, even if they’re lying. The way you react as the seller will make you look like the bad person and make them the victim. It’s the American way now… oh poor me, please feel sorry for me. Sure, the story might actually be true but just own up to it I say. You don’t need to drag in some personal sob story due to your inability to pay. If you have the ability to browse, click, and then buy something online, then we should hold you up to the standards of being able to pay just as quickly, that’s the easy part. If you don’t have the money in hand to pay for goods, then your ass shouldn’t be shopping right now…


As long as they pay within the 4 days that eBay allows it’s all good. If a repeat customer needs some extra time to pay and asks they get extra time from me. As well you can’t hold having zero feedback against someone. Remember we all starred at zero.

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I don’t have a problem with zero feed back customers. I honestly thought I was going to open the message and see “my kid accidentally bought this”. It seems fishy to me but can wait. I had three copies of this I sold.

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Wow. No sooner did I post the last response than the payment came through.

My thoughts are he was waiting for payment to come through from something he sold to pay.


As I was perusing Ebay this A.M. …

It’s one thing to observe comics listed as “Near Mint” and clearly not be Near Mint with an assortment of clear and obvious defects from the pictures. We all have seen that probably thousands of times. These sellers have no idea what the grading criteria is

But it’s a total another level of stupidity/idiocy when you observe comics on Ebay that are obvious rags but state “I see no defects with the comic”. I mean wth?

I get that someone who sells (example: Clothing) doesn’t know what NM, VF, F, VG, G, F is; but to state you see no defects on a comic that looks like it was retrieved from the garbage can is just downright being disingenuous and lying.


“I am not a professional grader and the grade may be better or worse.” I hate when sellers do this. Stand by your grade or take proper pictures of front/back/centerfold and sell it as is.

Honestly, I can live with a detailed description of the defects and lots of pictures without an assessment of (their) grade. In fact, I barely pay attention to someone else’s given grade. It’s what I think that matters.
But in order for me to make that proper assessment under my guidelines I need to read what they see and I need to see everything.
A seller stating a grade without a description is kinda meaningless to me

Totally. I had a guy sell me a book that looked VF based on the front and back of the book; and they sold it as VG. I found a big defect and gave them a negative rating for not showing or describing the defect. The guy flipped out on me because I’d rather give him a negative review than send the book back for a refund. It just wasn’t worth it and I’m not rewarding someone for making a mistake.

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If the seller intentionally tried to be deceptive and hid the major defect then I can see the case for leaving a negative feedback but in general it’s better to contact the seller first to see how they will rectify the situation. Sometimes mistakes happen.

I sold a copy of Geiger, the glow in the dark cover a while back. It was absolutely perfect and I had listed it as NM when I sent it out. The buyer bought it along with a few other books. When the books came the buyer contacted me that part of the front cover of it had scraped off (the glow in the dark bits), so part of the front cover was just white.

I had no idea what happened and I asked him if the missing bits had fallen inside the bag and he could not find anything. I don’t think the buyer was trying to scam me as it was a cover price book and he bought other books with his order. I did appreciate him for contacting me first and I did gave him a refund for the book. Still have no idea what happened, the only thing I can think of is the parts came off while I was packaging it, still doesn’t really make sense as I would’ve seen a giant chunk of the front cover missing. Weird but I guess sometimes things happen.

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If the guy is selling a book as VG, and you thought it looked VF, thats on you. I wouldnt have given the seller a negative rating.

I also stay away from books labeled as VG & VF…


If the defect was inside the book, like a coupon cut out or page missing, I can see that being understandably missed and it should be acknowledged and worked out before sends by negative feedback.

If the defect was in the back of the book and the seller only provided pics of the front (or the book in the bag) the more pictures should be requested before committing to buy. I wouldn’t say the seller was hiding something…but I don’t think it’s fair if a buyer sends negative feedback when their satisfaction was contingent with something they could have easily requested, such as a photo showing the condition of a back cover.

On that note, the whole not providing a pic of the back cover (or not taking the book out of the bag) is a pet peeve of mine. If a seller can’t take the time to take the book out of the bag for a few quick photos or flip it around then I don’t believe they’ll take the time to package it safely either. So I avoid those postings pretty much anyway.

It’s up there with the blurry photos on the annoyance factor. You took the time to take the photos…but you don’t review them? It just screams lazy and inattention to detail…swipe left.

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Here is a fun one. Someone had said make sure when you have best offer on that you make sure immediate payment is also on. My settings have it on.

Clearly in the photo it says eBay will charge the buyer immediately.

I am in this book for about $2 so $15 is not bad


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Well…it just says they’ll immediately charge them. Not that payment is immediate. Still has to clear whatever electronic wickets.

Still waiting.

I accepted the offer almost an hour ago.

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Two things I thought would be eBay headaches but they worked out:

I bought a comic that was listed as Near Mint. It was shipped in a weirdly big box with mediocre padding. It had a sales sticker from some store saying it was FINE and it was priced half what I paid for it so this person clearly made a profit (no judgment at all, we all flip here) and it was a little weird they just left the original sticker on it. HOWEVER! The comic was in impeccable condition. Like, easily 9.4 maybe even a 9.8 contender. It was, “Secret Wars,” 5 from the Hickman series and I proceeded to sell it within the day for double what I paid–I put it in a fresh bag and board, however.

As for the other averted headache, I sold an, “Avengers Twilight,” 1 for sixteen bucks. It arrived and USPS must’ve been brutal on the Gemini mailer because it had so many spine tics and damage the buyer was displeased about as it was advertised as 9.4 NM by me–and was before the damages. I said I’d happily give them a partial or they could just return it. They said a partial was nice but they were fine just returning it. I thought about how even if I get the comic back in the shape it is in there is no way I’ll sell it so seeing that this person was willing to return it and such had me go and say I’d just refund them if they wanted and they can keep the comic. This resulted in them saying they were incredibly impressed with my continuously great customer service and that I didn’t need to refund them. My kindness made the $16 smackers worth the damaged comic. I was surprised and thanked them. They literally could have taken my refund and kept the comic but said, “Nah,” because I was so good at customer service. It was a shock, but a good one.