eBay Headaches

I have no problem giving a grade, but I will make it clear that I can’t guarantee that CGC will agree with me.

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I’m sure you’re closer to the accurate grade than CGC is :slight_smile:
In fact, I’m sure most forum members are closer to a true grade than CGC is most of the time

I do this. Is people are willing to return it I will just give them the refund. A good idea because you have to pay return shipping and are out even more money.


Exactly, I don’t need a wrecked comic sent back.

This is weird. I don’t have best offers and payment is to be immediate. yet somehow this sale went through without payment.

The good news is the sale is my asking price. But it seems as though they were able to combine the two and “purchase”’ them…I have not had this happen in many years…usually people ask me why they can’t combine orders and when I looked into it I believe it was because there’s a setting that I had to be an eBay store or some other service that cost more. So i end up sendin partial refunds

I was able to send a combined invoice to this person, combining shipping plus an additional discount. It’s been years since I’ve been able to do that. In the past I’ve had to have them pay on full and had to issue partial refunds.

Wondering if something changed. How did this sale get around that?

Maybe it has something to do with the cart option…


Maybe. In the past (and it’s been a while…years) when people ask about combined shipping I would ask them if this option showed up at checkout…and they would say it didn’t.

But I did not get a request for an invoice. Shouldn’t I get a request if the person chose this?

Edit: never mind, I do have an email. Just missed it. But it would seem eBay “fixed” something recently as I’ve been told on multiple occasions this option wasn’t there…and when I looked into it I didn’t have the ability…had to upgrade to get it.

Wierd. Hopefully it goes through…I don’t like it when payment isn’t automatic.

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Yeah. I kinda like when my payment is automatic. Guy who made the best offer finally paid. I wasn’t mad about it but if eBay says you will get automatic payment on a best offer the payment shouldn’t be 8 hours later.


The guy never listed the defect and never showed the defect, but did show and list the minor ones. He also gave the whole “it’s VG, but I’m not a professional grader” line. I think if you want a positive rating, then warrant it. I don’t think it’s a good practice to list books as VG or better, so you can cover your self. In this case the only reason I bought the book was because it’s very difficult to find.

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Sellers shouldnt be giving books grades to begin with. Im glad hes not a “professional” grader, just an “unprofessional” grader :rofl:


So when the tracking shows “delivered” and to the correct address, and the buyer claims it has not arrived…what is my responsibility here?

It was shipped ground advantage so it’s insured. So I’m sure there a painful process involved…But has anyone encountered this situation as either a buyer or seller?

Once it shows it is delivered you no longer have any responsibility. It is the buyer’s responsibility to get in touch with the post office, as per how eBay does it.


But you can make the buyer feel more comfortable if you take the time to check on the status as well by calling the post office. Your package shows delivered and the recipient claims it did not arrive. Helping out a little but trying to emphasize that there’s not much you can do since it’s now a “local” issue, they’re best action is to follow up with their local post office. If there’s no resolution after 2 weeks and the package still has not arrived, you both can resort to eBay for final resolution, they could likely reimburse the buyer since you did what you needed to track the package, etc.

If you just tell the buyer to bugger off, it’s their problem, that could result in them contacting eBay, getting their money back from you and maybe a negative feedback.

Buyer found the package. He had it all along.

But other than calling his USPS and filing a missing package search there isn’t anything I can do.

It is the recipient’s responsibility to provide a safe location from vandalism, and on the recipient to prove it was not actually delivered to the USPS.

I had suggested reaching out to USPS to get the gps location it was dropped off at, as I believe it’s supposed to automatically record this when they scan it as delivered.

Yup, there’s really not a whole lot you can do. You didn’t deliver it yourself but showing that you care goes a long way. If you just tell them it’s not your problem like I’m sure some sellers would, then you deserve some neutral or negative feedback.

I once refunded a guy on a package that got lost simply because I contacted the USPS office and he did as well. We did as they told us, wait 2 weeks before considering it was lost. After two weeks I followed up with him to ask if it ever showed up. He responded it didn’t and said no worries though, he picked up another one from another buyer since then. It wasn’t an expensive book, he was just filling holes in the collection. I looked up his feedback history and did see that he bought another one so since I got the honesty vibe from him, I made his day by just refunding him the entire cost which was like $18 total because that sucks when you buy something and it never arrives.

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Buyer is pissed at me. He bought a book last night. Paid. I printed the label and packaged up the book. Dropped it off to the post office on my way back from dropping off my son at school. Guy hits me up at lunch time asking if he could buy another book and have it packaged together to save on shipping. I said normally I would but the book already went out. He is mad that I won’t give him free shipping on buying a second copy. I said after fees and taxes and then paying for shipping to him, I would be taking a loss. He said he doesn’t believe I shipped it already. He said it only shows that the label was created and not that it was picked up. I said my post office doesn’t scan until the end of the day (which is true)

Mind you it is a six hour difference between when he bought it and I shipped it.


Immediately send a tracking number and thank you within seconds of the label printing.

I hand all daytime shipments directly to the counter person to get scanned in usually within minutes after that during daylight hours and that actually shows if you check the USPS website directly.

If it’s a weighted/measured label you can’t add more weight anyway. Flat Rate you can.

If you haven’t had it beeped in at the Post Office you can void a label and print a new one but it can take days to weeks for the label to get credited back to your account. e-Bay doesn’t tell you when either. You have to go dig around and see if it made it back.

I would have to drive over and grab the package if they would even hand it back to me.

They won’t. It’s already in a bin ready to get processed and shipped out.

Guy needs to put his big boy pants on and suck it up.