eBay Headaches

The things that people get angry at :man_facepalming:

He came back and made a cover price offer on the book plus shipping. I had to decline that too.

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Your efficiency cost you a sale! And a repeat customer!

Sounds like a jerk though. Probably for the best.


The book you shipped is arriving ā€œdamaged.ā€ :wink:


I bullet proof my packages.

If youā€™re shipping comics to be bullet proof, youā€™re possibly doing wrong.

Kevlar is bullet proofā€¦but is very flexibleā€¦I donā€™t think I would want to ship comics in itā€¦

@agentpoyo advertises his as bomb-proof. A better packaging strategy.

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Stab proof?

Iā€™ve yet to encounter more robust packaging than the Dirty D Fabuloso Method.

And aside from the tape and labels, the materials are FREE!

One fabuloso box (from BJā€™s) and one Trader Joeā€™s bag makes 2.5 shipping containers.

You can sandwich a comic between 4 pieces of 1/4ā€ rigid cardboard. Neatly wrapped in thick brown paper bag.

Final result is a neatly packaged robust shipping ā€œcontainerā€ about 1ā€ thickā€¦thicker and more rigid than a Gemini mailer. And still under 12 oz (most comics).

Nothing is compromising this fortress short of intentional vandalismā€¦or rain.


You forgot some steps. Most basic is to have it sealed in another bag so itā€™s waterproof since you never know if itā€™ll be raining on delivery day. Double thick sidewalls cost nothing to install and stiffen it even more. Corner bumpers are nice insurance for the tips.

I save the bags my bags and boards come in. They are nice plastic I try to use them as much as possible.

Technically itā€™s on the buyer to provide a safe environment for delivery.

I double bag my comics anyway (because of color rubbing off, scratches, etc) so I believe that is enough. At some point just being outside in a humid environment is going to result in condensation within. Even if inside a plastic bag.

I worry about rain damage more than humidity when shipping.

Everyone has their own risk tolerance and do what we need to satisfy it. Thatā€™s all it is.

Bought a Batman #142 1:50 for grading purposes. Pictures are nice detailed, looks flawless, so I take the plunge!

Guy contacts me saying he underestimated the postage cost and so has not sent it with full insurance. Offers to refund me the 50p (65c) for the form of shipping he used, at is was even cheaper than on the listing. Told him it not to bother, given it was such a small amount.

Book arrives in a pre-used mailer, slathered in brown tape. When I finally get to the book, it has a significant dent in the card cover with two significant colour-breaking ticks. I contact the guy and the conversation goes a bit like this (truncated to stop you falling asleep):

Me: Is this the same book as in the pictures, because itā€™s arrived damaged
Him: The postal service did it
Me: OK, itā€™s no good to me in this condition
Him: Donā€™t bother sending it back. Iā€™ll refund you the maximum I can get from the limited insurance I took out. Itā€™s not my fault the post office messed up. Why should I be out of pocket?
Me: It doesnā€™t really work like that. You sent it with only 80% of cost of the book insured. It should be a full refund including the original cost and the postage. By the way, be careful reusing mailers in the future, the one you send wasnā€™t rigid enough on the spine side where the damage occurred : )
Him: Iā€™m filling out a form to claim from the post office now. If it refunds me, I will refund you. Also, you are doubting my integrity by asking if itā€™s the same book and mentioning the mailer!
Me: Errrā€¦it doesnā€™t work like that. I need a refund regardless of whether you get one. Happy to provide evidence on your behalf to the post office such as pictures of the damage.
Him: [Ghosts me]
Me: [Action eBay refund]
Him: [Ghosts meā€¦clock ticking on eBay process]

Batman 142 did not have a 1:50 variantā€¦

But yea, always go through Ebay for a refund. Never contact the sellerā€¦they will just give you the round-around.

Its not hard to ship a book correctly.

  • Use Priority (it comes with up to $100 insurance).
  • use t-mailers
  • use bubble wrap/ packing peanuts
  • use Priority legal flat rate envelopes or use the Priority boxes.

You: chargeback.

Unless itā€™s outside of the t-mailer, this only results in applying any outside pressure to the book inside unevenly, and is more of a risk of damage to the book than just having space or additional cardboard.

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I meant on the outside of the t-mailer before you put it in a legal envelope or box.

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I watch the Post Office load packages in an open bed pick up right behind me every morning.

Iā€™ve had the mail people and UPS drivers come in the door soaking wet with wet packages.

I even came within minutes of losing a multi hundred comic shipment when I managed to get off work for lunch and race home minutes after it arrived and only a minute or two before a cloud burst opened up.

When Iā€™m processing back issues, I continually find comics that the top two corner tips, one or both show moisture damage from either wetness exposure or just humidity getting into the cracks at the corner tips where the bags fold. Iā€™ve seen some sellers even intentionally slice the bottom of bags to let air out which further places them at risk.

While it is possible in extreme temperature changes to get condensation, I always look at it like the double pain window glass commercials. If itā€™s in a bag and board, that has a couple pieces of cardboard and air around it, another bag around those taped or ziplocked shut and waterproof and then whatever additional layers from there to the outer box or envelope, then condensation isnā€™t going to be any more of a factor than trying to melt that stick of butter in the window commercial.

It did have a variant in the UK Batman #142 Stevan Subic 1:50 Variant - Close Encounters This is not the seller I am having the problem with by the way.

I tried to be ā€˜humanā€™ about it and not just send it back without explanation, but you are right - should have just clicked the button on eBay!