eBay Headaches

I hope you said “no”.

LOL, do you take Traveller’s Cheques too?


Out of state third party checks?

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I didnt answer.
But i suppose i should

Just thinking through it briefly, what deceitful or scammy scheme(s) could be attempted by a buyer.

I can think of a couple things a seller could do but struggling with buyer

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On a rare occasion I’ll have someone ask if I would accept a cashier’s check. Usually if I’m selling something old people collect like this one time when I had a random Betty Boop figure. I imagined it was some very old lady or man.

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Oh, you can still do cash on delivery these days too. That’s pretty interesting.

Guy has over 600 rating and been on ebay since Sept 2000. All positives I can see.
So I guess I’ll respond with a positive.
I’m in a gambling mood today :crazy_face:

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What book and how much. Thats the deciding factor.

i expect it to end around $75 if i had to guess

Good Luck.

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Acually, he’s gotta win it first. LOL

I didn’t even think eBay allowed payments that are not longer electronic. How do they get their fees and such managing payment proxy through them?


Only certain categories allow checks, etc that are not electronic in nature. So you may want to make them aware that the option might not be there if they do win.

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Is it me, or is eBay’s calculated shipping totally wrong!? They charge me more than the buyer and I’m supposed to get “discounted shipping”.

I have not experienced this.

I’ll screen shot it the next time it happens. I haven’t changed any shipping info like dimensions or weight…

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Not a headache for a change but eBay upped my selling limit from $50,000 a month to $5,000.000 which is a pretty big jump. Only problem is I don’t sell $50k a month.


Is 5,000,000 within reach? :crazy_face:

Same here got an email yesterday upping me to $5,000,000. It’s be nice to actually need it but Christ I’m only doing a few grand in sales annually the last few years.

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decimal points make a difference… hehe… fat fingers don’t help… :wink: